Gardening Tips From the devotee Himself

Miracle Grow Fertilizer - Gardening Tips From the devotee Himself

Good afternoon. Yesterday, I learned about Miracle Grow Fertilizer - Gardening Tips From the devotee Himself. Which could be very helpful in my experience so you. Gardening Tips From the devotee Himself

The first orchad in recorded history - the orchad of Eden - exceeded any other orchad in the world in its attractiveness and perfection. One thing that's all the time caught my imagination is that that orchad had no weeds! Weeds came into existence only after the first gardener got booted from his job

What I said. It just isn't the actual final outcome that the actual about Miracle Grow Fertilizer. You see this article for information on that wish to know is Miracle Grow Fertilizer.

Miracle Grow Fertilizer

Still, First Human has to be respected since he had no one from whom he could learn tips and tricks. That is, except for the real First Gardener - the One Who planted it all in the first place. He for real must have ready First Human to be able to tend the Garden

Our originator has kept His Hand in gardening as the centuries have rolled on by. But His "garden" isn't the earth itself - for great or for worse, He put the earth into the hand of First Human who then put it into the hand of the Evil One! (But that's someone else story.)

No, originator God has prolonged "gardening", but He uses Spiritual Seed now, instead of the kind you order from Burpee's. Jesus said that the Words He spoke to people were "seeds" - Living Words that could enter inside of a someone and transform them!

Imagine that! A someone could listen to Jesus, walk away, begin to submit to the Word/Seed within him - and inside of him would be growing some sort of spiritual plant. It could grow and grow until it bore some sort of "fruit". And the Bible tells us exactly what that fruit might be: love, joy, peace, patience and so on.

But the Bible also adds a whole dissimilar kind of "fruits" to expect: power, fine works, miracles, signs and wonders. It says at the end of the Gospel of Mark that whoever believes in Jesus will be "followed" wherever they go by fabulous "signs" like, "They shall drive out demons; they shall speak in unknown languages; they shall take up poisonous snakes, and if they drink any deadly poison it shall do them no harm whatever; they shall lay their hands on the sick, and the sick shall recover." (And by the way - it was the Apostle Paul who accidentally picked up a viper and it bit him, but that's a dissimilar story.)

In gardening, you plant a miniature seed in good soil and up comes a appealing red tomato or a tall stalk of golden corn. You plant a spiritual seed - some of Jesus' Words - and inside you grows up Love and Patience, Power and Miracles!

We love gardening. Well, the kind of gardening that Jesus does, anyway. We listen to Jesus' teachings, put into performance what He says, and up pops lots of fabulous stuff inside of us. It's just fantastic!

But Jesus says that you can select to throw your seed away - useless and wasted - if you don't prepare the soil first. Before we planted some of our first crops in our orchad in northern California, I got a miniature kit and tested the soil. It needed to be more alkaline. So we spaded in some compost and other stuff. These are called "amendments" - we were "amending" the soil of our garden. This made the soil some of the best we've ever grown in.

But, you know - the same thing happens with people-type gardens as well! The "soil" of their hearts needs some adjustments too!

Jesus makes this clear in Matthew 13. He says that nothing will grow right until the "soil" of a person's heart is ready to receive the Living Word of God (the Spiritual Seed.) He explains first that some people are like rocky ground. The seed falls on naked rock, sprouts up quick - but since there's no soil for the roots to sink into - it dies before it can grow up. This is the kind of someone who listens to God's Word and likes what he hears, but doesn't put it into action! He doesn't obey the Word he received. Anyone spiritual Words they've "enjoyed", might sprout up for real quick, and make it look like something "real" is changing in their lives. But it dies when "the sun hits it" (real, daily life) and there's no persisting spiritual change.

Jesus said other people are like when the seed falls on the street. The road covering is so hard, the miniature seed can't make it into the soil. This is the kind of someone who hears God's Word and simply ignores it. They hear Jesus' Word and say, like, "So what?" Obviously, no Spiritual Seed can grow in that person's hardened heart.

The third kind of someone is like when the seed falls in the middle of a patch of thistles. There's some good soil in the middle of all those weeds - it's just so crowded, the seed never gets all the water or nitrogen it needs. It springs up, even grows to most of its height and looks pretty good. But it never bears fruit. The other plants choke it too much. And in this kind of person, the other "plants" that "choke" the Spiritual Seed of God are emotional problems like being anxious all the time or getting fully caught up in greed or owning things or spending most of your time, vigor and money on destructive desires like drunkenness, gambling, lust and things like that. You can be for real excited about God's Word, but if you still spend your time, money and thought-life on these wrong things, the Life of the Spiritual Seed will get choked so that you don't bear the True Fruit of God in your daily life.

The last kind of someone prepares his heart right, just like "amending" the soil to receive the seed. This is like when the seed is dropped into fertile, "ph-adjusted soil", nicely furrowed and ready to cover the seed with a miniature blanket of earth. Jesus says that this someone is the one who not only listens carefully to Jesus' Words, but puts it into action. In other words, he hears the Word and obeys the Word.

The Bible uses a word in the primary language (it was written in Greek) that shows powerfully what this means. This word word is translated into English as "the someone understands the Word", but in the primary language of the Bible, it means, literally: "putting two things together" -- like "where two rivers flow together".

What amazes me is that near our home here so close to the Trinity Alps, we have a town named "Weitchpec" which (in Yurok Indian language) means "the place where two rivers flow together". Native Americans who live there call it "the wedding of two rivers".

And that's what the Greek word means when Jesus says that this man "understands" the Word he receives - it's like the man and the Word "flow into one".

Understand that Jesus is saying that His "seed-words" will not be of any use to a someone whatsoever unless a someone first "hears" the Word, then "flows together" with the Word. What's that look like?

These people do more than just hear His Words and nod and say, "Good word!" These people don't listen to His teachings and say, "Gosh - I like that! I think I'll try to memorize it, as long as it doesn't interfere too much with the things that make my life enjoyable!"

Jesus is saying that when a someone (like you!) "hears" a Heaven-sent Word, that you have a occasion to "enter into the flow" of that Word. The Word is (in a sense) going a Direction in Life and having heard it, now you have a occasion to leave the path you're on and go the same Direction that God is going!

Picture this: At Weitchpec, the water of the Trinity River "submits" to the flow of the Klamath, joins it and goes the same direction on down to the sea. So, when we hear the Word of God spoken, preached or taught, we have an occasion to leave the direction we've been traveling (the wrong old patterns we've been living in) and "join God's Life-style in His Spirit."

This is a heart change. This calls for a soft and tender heart that (when a someone starts to listen to God's Word) they predispose themselves (even before they hear it!) to be willing to turn from some old ways that are not right, and instead live agreeing to God's new way that He reveals to us in His Word.

That's exactly why a person's "spirit" can bear the fruit of Heaven - love, joy, peace and miracles, signs and wonders. Because when they listen to God's Word, they're already ready to toss out their wrong ways, and with their whole heart, press into God's new ways of living!

I've given you fullness of clues, now, in this story. So, go look in the mirror and tell yourself what kind of "soil" your heart is!

Then ask yourself what kind of "fruit" you're producing in your daily life!

© 2008 by Emil B. Swift

I hope you obtain new knowledge about Miracle Grow Fertilizer. Where you possibly can offer used in your day-to-day life. And above all, your reaction is passed about Miracle Grow Fertilizer. Read more.. Gardening Tips From the devotee Himself.


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