health Reform? Yes Or Nope - Part I

Miracle Grow Fertilizer - health Reform? Yes Or Nope - Part I

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How It All Began

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Miracle Grow Fertilizer

Let's start! What the old list points out is that the condition care problems stem from all corners of the condition care system; from government programs and involvement to communal awareness. Answers cannot come from any one element in this mess. With that in mind we will present a series of articles to cover all of the points mentioned above.

The condition care crisis cannot be solved if all the issues are not addressed. The first thing that needs to be discussed is what language to speak. Government talks a language no one understands - which is understandable since attorneys commonly draft condition care documents; and who has ever been able to understand attorney talk.

And there is also the language of the medical profession. There was a time when doctors and pharmacies would only talk in Latin descriptions of the body and conditions. Now they only talk with letters: Adhd, Ra, Rls, Pms, etc. Etc.

The professions use these languages as a way of keeping their lack of knowledge a inexpressive from the midpoint person. The best communicators in the world have always been those who can speak to the people, and the habitancy understand them. No one in condition care seems to be capable of doing that.

How can you deal with condition if you cannot even agree or understand what condition is? If you are sick or in pain, is it due to a "lack of aspirin" in your system, or a convert in the weather, or other things we have limited or no control over? Let us define condition as it is in the dictionary; "100% Function" or "Optimum physical, mental, and communal well being!" Nowhere does it say that you are sick because of a germ or virus or bug.

If you do not know the meaning of health, then you will never know how to claim it, or enjoy a long salutary life as you were intended to do. Instead, you will suffer illness after illness, seeking cures and miracles from doctors to get you straight through the day.

We need to start at the starting for you to understand what condition is all about and where it originates. No, not when you were born, but nine months earlier, when you were conceived. In truth it does go before then, but that will be a topic for someone else time.

Conception, have you ever easily concept about how life begins? That ovum from your mother and the sperm from your father, two cells that come together and unite; then the miracles begin. Without the joining of these two cells, each would die. But when they come together to become a fertilized egg, you now have the miraculous start of a person. This particular combined cell will now divide into many cells until it is a mulberry mass of cells.

Once the one fertilized cell reaches this point and has nestled in the womb of the mother there is an internal force that guides the cells to produce among them a primitive streak. This first convert in the mass of cells is the starting of the brain and spinal cord. At that moment, things easily begin to change. First the cells were the same, then there was this starting of the nervous system, within which the tissues take yet someone else new direction, the cells begin to change. One cell will become a heart cell, and someone else will go on to divide and produce liver cells, or kidney cells, or bone cells. Now we see the expression of the innate brain that is in control of these cells.

A short nine months later you welcome a living human being. Five fingers, five toes, two ears, two eyes and lungs that will let you know they are alive and breathing. This is your baby. This was You.

Every one of us has been straight through this miracle process. Note: We are talking about the improvement of the general salutary body and are not discussing genetics or birth defects or other things that might convert the outcome. That will be saved for a later installment.

Most parents look at their baby for the first time and are in Ahhhhhh as they should well be. The wisdom that formed this body is the one who designed the deer, the tiger, the elephant and the whale, all excellent creations on earth to live and enjoy the environment that was provided. Every person seems to agree that this process is miraculous except one group... Medicine.

Medicine has taken over birthing as if it were a nine-month analysis that they will terminate, and in some hospitals they have a cesarean birth rate as high as 33% when in reality there is less than 5% of births thoughprovoking complications. If the mother has properly dealt with the pregnancy, there is need for less than 1% to 2% requiring cesarean births. But the excuse the doctors use is that they have 'better control" over the birth process and cesarean is less risky. Or is it so they can control their schedules and get home in time for dinner, which is it?.

The ego of treatment is a sad thing. Not only do doctors want to control the birthing process, to the dismay of many soon-to-be mothers, but their results are not that impressive. This country, the U.S.A., has greater infant mortality and maternal mortality (deaths) with over 95% of births in hospitals with doctors, than in countries with midwives, and up to 80% mortality of non-hospital births.

Keep these thoughts in mind as you remember the birth of your child. Remember how you watched as your child grew taller and stronger - and there the doctor is, interfering, telling you that this drug is essential for this problem, and that drug and the other drugs and procedures that can be of risk and do damage to the child.

All of a sudden the Innate brain that made this body is shoved aside by the doctors because they think They Know Best! You think the doctor knows best. No, not so. The parent knows best for their child. So discuss whatever issues arise with the doctor, you take payment of either or not your child needs drugs in their limited developing bodies and minds. Does that make since to you? It does to a growing number of women who are production best choices.

Remember, you were born excellent with the potential capability to overcome obstacles in your environment and to enjoy a long salutary life.

Now we hope you have a best understanding of what condition is, 100% Function, and how the body was created by an brain far greater than whatever in this world. There is no doctor, no study originate and no hospital that can produce one living tissue cell, and your body produces billions on an ongoing basis, naturally, effortlessly, and in harmony with what it needs and what is essential to claim its health. The production of a salutary tissue cell to replace a "sick" cell, or dying cell is the process of healing, and only Your body can heal itself.

End Part I

I hope you get new knowledge about Miracle Grow Fertilizer. Where you may put to use in your everyday life. And above all, your reaction is passed about Miracle Grow Fertilizer. Read more.. health Reform? Yes Or Nope - Part I.


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