The astonishing charm of fertilization

Miracle Grow Fertilizer - The astonishing charm of fertilization

Hi friends. Yesterday, I learned about Miracle Grow Fertilizer - The astonishing charm of fertilization. Which may be very helpful if you ask me therefore you. The astonishing charm of fertilization

When a man and woman get married or live together and decree to start a family of their very own, it will make for one of the most memorable and enjoyable times of their life. This will serve as an etched symbol of their eternal and undying love for each other, and one that will continue within their children long after they are no longer on this earth. A inheritance like this is so amazing, but that's what happens when a consolidate makes a decision to bring other human being into this world. The children are the stock of a unique recipe that the happy consolidate created all on their very own.

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Miracle Grow Fertilizer

The exhilarating part of a beginning a family is the wondrous feeling that your inheritance for forever be around, and will last for centuries to come. The charm of shaping and moulding these high-priced slight persons is a priceless gift within itself. Conceiving a child is the "Picasso" of fertility, for it's one of the most phenomenal works of art even imagined, created, or envisioned. For a man and a woman to have the inherent capability to do this is nothing short of phenomenal when you beyond doubt think about it. Then when the baby is beyond doubt fertilised, thanks to modern technology, the expecting mum and dad get to see their miracle grow from an embryo to a beautiful slight human being.

When a consolidate gets the first scan will be when woman is about two months gestation, they will see what is still a tiny slight embryo that is still in the development stages. At this point, the consolidate will not know the sex of the child until the woman is in her second trimester. Nevertheless, for now you can bask in the elation that a new someone is growing and evolving daily, all because of what you and your partner created.

As the growing of the time to come baby proceeds, means for more tantalizing news for the happy couple. When the second trimester gets here will be when the physician will be able to tell the sex of the child. Sometimes a consolidate doesn't want to know, and pick to wait until the baby is beyond doubt born. On the other hand, if you are having habitancy give, you baby showers in the next coming months; you will want to know the gender. This is to allow family and friends to buy accepted gifts. For example, it might make for an embarrassing moment if a someone were to buy your baby a pink outfit, when you're having a boy. However, in all it's a personal option that only you and your spouse can decree upon.

The final five months of the gravidity involve the second and third trimesters. These months for many couples are the happiest times of all, because that's when they will see the baby begin to build arms, legs, body shape, and significant organs like the lungs, heart, brain, eyes, and nose. The woman will begin to feel movement from the baby, which is a clear indicator that they are alive and well. Ultimately, the biggest day in a couple's gravidity is when the big day arrives when he or she makes their debut into this beautiful world.

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The Vanishing Twin Syndrome

Miracle Grow Fertilizer - The Vanishing Twin Syndrome

Good evening. Today, I found out about Miracle Grow Fertilizer - The Vanishing Twin Syndrome. Which could be very helpful for me and you. The Vanishing Twin Syndrome

The Vanishing Twin Syndrome is personified by definite personality characteristics, gestational features and spiritual lessons. There is a higher incidence of this syndrome in healers. The principles is that if they could not save their own twin, their destiny is to dedicate themselves to salvage others in the world. Do you have a vanishing twin?

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Miracle Grow Fertilizer

Lawrence Wright's article, double strangeness published in the New Yorker, August 7, 1995 explained that one out of eighty or ninety live human births produces twins. With the arrival of ultrasonography it has been thought about that at least one-eighth of all natural pregnancies begin as twins. This is obvious when the first ultrasound detects twins and the second one does not. So what happens to these twins? Often, one external sign of a vanishing twin is vaginal bleeding. Using emotional clearing, I often detect vanishing twins. It seems to be more coarse with people in "care-giving" fields. Here are some of the findings and similarities I have put together over the years with Vanishing Twin Syndrome patients:

Typical Personality Characteristics of the Surviving Twin:

Control Issues: The surviving twin often has control issues and it may be based on the installation that since they couldn't control what happened in utero, they are doing all in their power to do so now.

Survivor's guilt: There is a lot of survivor's guilt for taking the nutrition from the vanishing twin, not being able to help preclude the death of the twin and viewing this resorption process in utero. Once identifying this occurrence, the sick person must go through the grieving process like in any death of man that means a great deal to them. They perceive loss, guilt, grief and anger at being separated from the twin. Sometimes the survivor does not care if they live or die and may occasionally have thoughts of suicide.

No competition: Survivors don't regularly like competing sports unless they are competing against themselves. They subconsciously feel that if they compete with others, death may result. They want everybody to get along and work together.

Sabotaging relationships: Sabotaging happens when relationships start going too well. The superconscious/subconscious thinking is that if they get close to man that they will be in danger and might die from the actions of the surviving twin. Because they love this man so much, they will push them away to protect them. They also seem to self-sabotage to make sure they have paid for what their role was that caused their twin to leave in utero.

Not deserving: The survivor often feels they don't deserve all the good this world has to offer so they find ways to exclude themselves from receiving good. They are major givers, but not very accepting takers.

Money issues: These are motivated people. Because they do such good in the world, often money follows. The question is that Vanishing Twins don't seem to be able to hold onto the money because they self-sabotage. Survivor's guilt prevents them from using the money for their own care. They give it away or let it flow through their hands, not keeping any of it for themselves.

Fascination with or friends with twins: Twins have a special energetic bonding with each other which lasts their entire lives. Just because your twin left you in utero, doesn't break that energetic bond. And if you don't feel your twin still colse to you, naturally you will be attracted to twin energy.

Feeling abandoned, left out, and excluded: These are the kids who get picked last for the team, who don't make friends well and feel like other's can't review to what they are going through. They are searching for close relationships but can't seem to find them. Often they would rather spend time with older people than kids their own age.

Low self-esteem, lack of self-love: This is one of the major Spiritual lessons that the survivor must work through before they can fully be the gift to the world that God intends. Low self esteem is intertwined with Unconditional Love of Self, Trust and Discernment, and Worthiness lessons. See handout on Spiritual Lessons for more on this.

Vanishing Twins are often in the curative Field: Since they could not heal the situation in utero, they are intent on curative the world and salvage others. There are lots of surviving twins who are massage therapists, doctors and nurses.

Vanishing Twins say or think, "I wish I could find somebody like me."

Other Weird Stuff: I well had one woman I was working on take out a photograph from her wallet to show me who her vanishing twin was. She explained that she believed in reincarnation and that she somehow felt attached to this man. When I asked her if she had ever met the man she said she hadn't, but that she felt compelled to cut his photograph out and carry it colse to with her. At the time she had had the photograph in her wallet for over two years.

How much do you know about your gestation and birth? The following items are clues in determining if you have a vanishing twin:

Trauma to the mother: Three to four months in utero is about the time the twin "checks out" and is being reabsorbed by the body. What are some causes? Some contain getting hit in the stomach, car accidents, falling down a flight of stairs, emotional trauma, experiencing high fever from an illness, violent vomiting, etc.

Did your mother smoke? Studies show that smoking lowers the oxygen content of the blood so less oxygen is ready to the fetus. Smoking is also connected with low birth weights. So does that mean there is less ready nutrition for two fetuses?

History of twins in the bloodlines: Are there twins in the family? If so, there is a greater opening of repeating that within the same house lines.

Long labor: Here's how this works--when you have one baby ready to come out, the placenta (the sac that contains the fetus) and the pituitary gland yield a definite amount of a hormone called oxytocin (also called pitocin). The function of oxytocin is to cause muscular contractions to push the baby out. So, if there are two babies, then there is a proportionately larger amount of oxytocin. But, if one of the fetuses dies, there is not sufficient oxytocin to push out the extra residual placenta connected with the dead fetus, and the birthing process takes much longer. These days, a cesarean section is performed when the shutdown occurs to take the stress off the fetus.

No ultrasound background: If you were born before the 60's, most likely your mom did not have an ultrasound so twins could well be missed. An x-ray was only rarely taken because we didn't want to expose the baby to radiation unnecessarily.

Giving birth in a hospital before the 70's: There used to be a time when doctors only gave their sick person the facts they notion they needed to know at the time. If the mother had a difficult birth or there was extra placenta or a resorbed fetal membranes, the doctor gave these to the nurse who disposed of them and did not tell the mother about it. I think midwives were a minute more open to this miracle and included mothers in the facts they gathered about their birthing and findings. Many midwives I've talked with have these placentas in their freezers and use them to educate other midwives about the process. Also, some midwives would save these extra placental tissues for the mother for a special burial ceremony later.

Many eggs released, few fertilized: A woman's ovaries yield hundreds of thousands of eggs from the ovarian tissue over her reproductive lifetime. Only a few of these are released each month. It takes the influence of several million sperm surrounding the egg for one to ultimately perforate the egg and fertilize it. It seems as we get older, that twins are more common. Maybe it's our body's last ditch effort to procreate.

Imperfections or improper nutrients reaching both feti: It would make sense that not every egg is perfect and not every sperm is perfect. When the imperfection is too great, problems can occur in regards to the ready nutrition for one or both of the babies. When this happens, the fetus starves and is then resorbed back into the body. The remaining fetus then has sufficient nutrition to grow to full-term.

Do you have any dermoid cysts? This is a minute tumor made of every conceivable type of cell from skin cells, hair cells, tooth cells and more. Evidence of a resorbed fetus or a vanishing twin? I think so.

Life Lessons connected with the Vanishing Twin Syndrome:

These are the typical issues that the surviving twin must work through to live a full, happy, and productive life. Although many other people without twins also have to work through these issues, I see these lessons every time with those who have a vanishing twin.

o I love and accept myself unconditionally.

o I am important and a gift to our world.

o I deserve all the good this world has to offer.

o I am worthy.

o I forgive myself.

o I forgive God/Jesus/My Higher Power.

o God loves me.

If you review to some of this information, you may have a vanishing twin. I would recommend the article: Life in the Womb: Dangers and Opportunities by David B Chamberlain, Ph.D.

© 2005 by Dr. Denice M. Moffat

This article comes with reprint proprietary providing no changes are made and the resource box below accompanies it.

I hope you have new knowledge about Miracle Grow Fertilizer. Where you possibly can put to easy use in your day-to-day life. And most significantly, your reaction is passed about Miracle Grow Fertilizer.

comprehension the Bible, Book summary

Miracle Grow Fertilizer - comprehension the Bible, Book summary

Hello everybody. Today, I found out about Miracle Grow Fertilizer - comprehension the Bible, Book summary. Which is very helpful if you ask me therefore you. comprehension the Bible, Book summary

Chapter 1: The Purpose of the Bible

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Miracle Grow Fertilizer

The author laments that habitancy ordinarily ask varying questions and hire diverse strategies to read the Bible. Others, he asserts, give up Bible reading altogether or never start reading because they cannot see the relevance of accounts of habitancy in the distant part for them today. However, Christians believe that although the Bible has a wide collection of human authors, there is a single unifying theme for a divine Author. It is perhaps most succinctly presented by Paul to Timothy in I Tim. 3:15-17. The apostle brings together the origin and object of Scripture. The writer investigates the nature of the Bible's usefulness and prognosis three words used Paul - salvation, Christ and faith.

Stott presents the central idea that the consummate purpose of the Bible is to instruct its readers for salvation, implying that Scripture has a practical purpose which is moral than intellectual. Since this is neither scientific nor literary, the Bible could be rightly seen as a book neither of literature nor of philosophy, but of salvation. He notes that salvation, in increasing to forgiveness of sins, includes the entire sweep of God's purpose to redeem and restore mankind and legitimately all creation. The main thrust is God's love for the rebels who deserve nothing but judgment.

God's plan, originating in His grace, Stott emphasizes, took shape before time began. He made a ageement of grace with Abraham, promising through his prosperity to bless all the families of the earth. The rest of the Old Testament tabulates His gracious dealings with Abraham's posterity, the Israelites. Although they rejected His Word, He never casts them out. In the New Testament, the apostles emphasize that forgiveness is inherent only through Christ's sin-bearing death, and a new birth important to a new life only through the Spirit of Christ. The New Testament authors insist that though habitancy have already in one sense been saved, in someone else sense their salvation still lies in the future. Conceived in a past eternity, achieved at a point in time and historically worked in human experience, it will reach its consummation in the eternity of the future.

Stott's hypothetical seminar is that if salvation is available through Christ and if Scripture concerns salvation, then scripture is full of Christ. Christ's assertion was that in each of the three divisions of the Old Testament, the Law (the Pentateuch/First five books of the Bible), the prophets [history books or former prophets (Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings) and latter prophets (major-Isaiah to Daniel- and minor prophets- Hosea to Malachi)] and the Psalms (writings), there were things regarding Him and all these things must be fulfilled. Discovering Christ in the New Testament is not strange. The gospels, acts, epistles and revelation vividly portray Him. In the latter for instance, He appears as a glorified man, a lamb, majestic rider on a white horse and a Heavenly Bridegroom. The survey of the two testaments demonstrates that we must turn to the Bible if we want to know about Christ and His salvation. The writer puts faith in its right perspective after lamenting its misuse.

Chapter 2: The Land of the Bible

Stott observes that some knowledge of the historical and geographical setting of God's habitancy is legitimately needful to put the study in perspective. The theorize for the recording of God's dealing with Israel in general and individuals in single is to teach us (Rom. 15:4; I Cor. 10:11). Scripture refuses to conceal the faults of great characters in the Old and New Testaments.

The writer dismisses the claim that Jerusalem was the centre of the earth as a sheer geographical nonsense even though Christians would defend it theologically. However, Christians believe in the providence of God whose selection of Palestine cannot be an accident. An certain feature is that it acts as a kind of bridge in the middle of Europe, Asia and Africa. Strategically, therefore, God set Jerusalem in the centre of the nations (Ez.5:5).

When God told Moses that He'd bring the Israelites out of Egypt into Canaan, He described it as good and spacious. Joshua and Caleb, unlike the other spies, confirm that the land was exceedingly good. some beloved expressions were used to refer to the whole country from north to south. The commonest naturally is from Dan to Beersheba. Stott suggests that perhaps a simpler way to remember Palestine is to visualize four strips of the country in the middle of the sea and the desert - the coastland, the central highlands, the Jordan valley and the eastern tableland.

Stott affirms that God's revelation as the 'Shepherd of Israel' was natural because of the intimate association which grew over the years in the middle of the Palestinian shepherds and the sheep since the latter were kept more for wool than for mutton. Jesus additional developed the metaphor, calling himself the Good Shepherd. Though many Israelite farmers kept livestock, even more cultivated the soil. The three main products of Palestine (grain, new wine and oil) are ordinarily grouped together in many biblical passages (Deut. 7:13; Joel 2:19). The writer notes the mountainous point of the early (autumn) rain and the latter (spring) rain to harvest. Without them the corn would remain thin and desiccated. God Himself related the rain and the harvest together and promised them to His obedient people. Three each year festivals had an agricultural as well as a religious significance. In them they worshiped the God of nature and the God of grace as the one God, Lord of the earth and of Israel. They are the Feast of the Passover, the Feast of the First fruits/Harvest and the Feast of Booths/Tabernacles/Ingathering. The observance of these was obligatory. They commemorated the signal mercies of the ageement God of Israel who first redeemed His habitancy from their Egyptian bondage and gave them the Law at Sinai and then provided for them during their wanderings in the wilderness. From someone else standpoint, they are all harvest festivals marking respectively the beginning of the barley harvest, the end of the grain harvest and the end of the fruit harvest. Stott's use of three maps showing the Fertile Crescent, the historical and natural regions of Palestine clearly puts the study in perspective.

Chapter 3: The Story of the Bible - Old Testament

Stott observes that Christianity is essentially a historical religion and that God's revelation is an unfolding historical situation, through Israel and Jesus Christ. The writer forcefully argues that biblical historians speedily sank in the quicksand of subjectivity since they were writing 'sacred' history, the story of God's dealings with a single habitancy for a single purpose. They were selective in their selection of materials and in the eyes of the secular historian, unbalanced in their presentation of it. Other regions were only included if they impinge on the fortunes of relatively unknown Israel and Judah. Great heroes were either scarcely mentioned or introduced obliquely. Christians believe that Christ's advent is the watershed of history, dividing time into Bc and Ad and the Bible into the Old and New Testaments.

The order of the thirty nine books is dictated neither by the date of their composition, nor the date of the branch matter but their literary genre. Broadly speaking, the three types of literature in the Old Testament are history, poetry and prophecy. The historical books (Pentateuch) and then twelve more tell a continuous story. After these come five books of Hebrew poetry or wisdom (from Job to Song of Solomon) and finally the seventeen prophetical books [five major prophets (Isaiah to Daniel) and twelve 'minor' prophets (Hosea to Malachi)]. Stott describes the creation, observing that God was not a national mascot. He observes that some forms of pre-Adamic 'homicid' seem to have existed previously for thousands of years and believes Adam was the first 'homo divinus'. The writer highlights the call of Abraham, the groan of the Israelites under Pharaoh and their eventual release. Subjectively dismissing the Red Sea crossed by the Israelites as probably some shallow water, he observes that the miracle lay in the fact that God sent it as the moment Moses stretched his hand. At Sinai, God gave Israel three costly gifts - a renewed covenant, a moral law and atoning sacrifices.

The Israelites wandered in the wilderness and none of the adult generation which brought a negative report - except Joshua and Caleb - entered the promised land. God appointed Joshua to succeed Moses. Israel's history was a cycle of backsliding, oppression and deliverance. God raised judges who combined some functions. The most was Samuel who remonstrated with the Israelites and warned them that future kings would be oppressive. They did not listen and Saul became the first king, ending the theocratic state ruled by God directly. David was designated heir to the throne of the disobedient Saul. As king, David unified Israel and devoted himself to God. His son Solomon, who succeeded him, did not love God with all his heart. The kingdom was divided into the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah after his reign.

Stott highlights the Babylonian captivity which lasted for fifty years. The hardest trial was religious for the Israelites felt spiritually lost in their divorce from temple and sacrifice. Ezekiel was among them as a guide. Israel had to wait for someone else four hundred years before the Messiah was born. Throughout the uneasy duration of Maccabean rule, important movements were developing in the Jewish society which later hardened into the discrete religious parties of our Lord's day.

The writer, in increasing to end notes, arranges dates in chronological order at the end of the discourse.

Chapter 4: The Story of the Bible - New Testament

Stott observes that it is an inventory of the words and deed of Jesus of Nazareth. The gospels, strictly speaking, are testimony and not biography, bearing survey to Christ and the good news of salvation. He highlights five reasons why the gospels would be approached with reliance and not with suspicion. Four evangelists were Christians, honest men to whom truth matters. They give evidence of their impartiality. Thirdly, they claim either to be themselves eye-witnesses of Jesus or to report the perceive of eye witnesses. Jesus seems to have taught like a Jewish rabbi. Lastly, if God said and did something legitimately unique and decisive through Jesus, it is inconceivable that he would have allowed it to be lost in the mists of antiquity. The gospels tell the same story, yet differently. The first three are ordinarily known as Synoptic Gospels because their stories run parallel and present a synoptic - that is, similar- inventory of Jesus' life. Every reader of John's gospel is immediately struck by the differences in the middle of it and the synoptic gospels in branch matter, theological emphasis, literary styles and vocabulary. Commenting on the birth and youth of Jesus, each evangelist begins his story at a distinct place. Mark plunges roughly immediately into Jesus' group ministry, heralded as it was by John the Baptist. John goes to the other ultimate and reaches back into a past eternity to the pre-incarnate existence of Christ. He was brought up in Nazareth in Galilee. The only incident from His boyhood recorded in the Gospels took place when he reached the age of twelve and was taken up to Jerusalem for the Passover. He at last noted that His duty is to spend time in the Father's house. Growing in wisdom and stature in favour with God and man, the evangelists did not give a strictly chronological inventory of the Lord's group ministry which appears to last roughly for three years. The writer refers to the first year as the year of obscurity, the second year of popularity and the third the year of adversity.

Stott traces Jesus' final hours of liberty which he spent conspiratorially with the twelve disciples in a furnished room. In the garden of Gethsemane, He prayed with an agony of desire that He might be spared having to drink 'this cup'. Crucifixion was a horrible form of execution. How Jesus viewed and endured his ordeal is shown by the seven words which He spoke from the cross. Finally, He commended His Spirit to the Father, indicating that His death was a voluntary, self-determined act. The writer traces the story of the resurrection on Easter Day. The Lord at last began to appear to people. These appearances continued for forty days. The last one took place on the Mount of Olives. After promising them power to be His witnesses once the Holy Spirit had come upon them, and having blessed them, He was taken up into Heaven.

The writer vividly highlights the dawn of the infant church. Waiting for the promise, the Holy Spirit came and filled them all. Stott affirms that Pentecost must also be understood as a fundamentally missionary event when three thousand habitancy were converted, baptized and added to the church that day. Unable to crush it by external pressure (persecution), the devil tried to undermine it from within. The writer also comments on Paul's missionary journeys, his arrest and journey to Rome and the deeds of the apostles after the book of Acts. The map of Paul's missionary journey and needful dates to remember at the end of the episode additional illuminates the discussion.

Chapter 5: The Message of the Bible

Stott re-echoes that the message of the Bible concerns salvation through Christ. He expresses the Bible's own claims that it contains neither a ragbag of miscellaneous contradictions, nor a gradual evolution of human ideas but a progressive revelation of truth by God. The author concedes that there are some differences in the middle of the Old and New Testament revelations. The revelation was given at distinct times, to distinct habitancy and in distinct modes. This notwithstanding, God is the ultimate author of both testaments. The Bible is essentially a revelation of God. There are two basic truths about God to think which Scripture emphasizes. The first is that He is a living and sovereign God and the second is that He is consistent and does not change like shifting shadows. He is constantly contrasted with the dead idols of heathenism. Stott additional observes that the needful way in which the living God has expressed Himself is in grace. The God of the Bible is the God of all grace (1 Pet. 5:10). Grace is God's free unmerited people. God's grace is ageement grace. The writer additional investigates what may be described as three stages in the outpouring of God's covenant, expressed in the three dynamic words - redemption, adoption and glorification.

Redemption was originally not a theological but a industrial word. To redeem, Stott confirms, is to purchase someone's freedom, to recover by payment of a price something which had been lost. New Testament authors draw an analogy in the middle of the Passover, which initiated Israel's redemption from Egypt, and the death of Christ which has secured our redemption from sin. The New Testament fulfillment is dramatic. John showed in his gospel that by one reckoning Jesus was shedding His blood on the cross at the strict time when the Passover lambs were being killed. Christ, the Lamb of God, offered Himself as our Passover sacrifice. Now He is seated at God's right hand, resting from His done work of redemption and crowned with glory and honour. He has won an eternal redemption for us.

Redemption from sin by Christ's blood is to be redeemed from slavery and adopted into sonship. It is because we are sons that God sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts (Gal. 4:6). To be a son is to be an heir. Suffering is the pledge of glory. This leads to the third stage in God's unfolding plan of salvation, which is glorification.

The New Testament is full of Christian hope. It reminds us that in spite of what we are presently enjoying, there is still far more to come. Paul referred to it as the hope of glory which has some meanings outlined by Stott. Firstly, the return of Christ (Matt. 24:27); secondly, the resurrection in which our incorruptible body will be a body of glory like Christ's (Phil.3:21; I Cor.15:35-37). Thirdly, the judgment. We shall be judged agreeing to our works (Matt. 16:27; Rev. 20:11-15). Fourthly, the new universe will make all new.

Stott brilliantly compares Genesis and Revelation. He observes that the Bible begins with creation of the universe and ends with the recreation of the universe. It begins with the fall of man and concludes in a garden with Paradise regained. God's kingdom will be finally consummated. All creation is branch to Him. His redeemed, adopted and glorified will share His reign for ever (Rev. 22:5).

Chapter 6: The Authority of the Bible

Stott attributes the obscuring of the modern church to the lack of an agreed authority and argues that it will never recover its moral or mission unless it first recovers the source of its authority. Christians ordinarily use three interrelated but certain words in association with the extra nature of Scripture - revelation, inspiration and authority. Inspiration indicates the chief mode God has chosen to tell Himself - in nature, Christ and by speaking to single people. Authority is the power or weight which Scripture possesses because of what it is, namely a divine revelation given by divine inspiration. It carries God's authority.

The writer identifies three disclaimers which may anticipate objections and disarm inherent criticism. Firstly, the process of inspiration was not mechanical since God did not treat the human authors as tape recorders or dictating machines but as living and responsible beings. His second is that every word is true in its context and Job is cited as a classic example when he noted that he spoke of things he did not understand. The 'anthropomorphic' descriptions of God, representing Him in human form and referring to His eyes, ears, outstretched arm, remarkable hand, fingers, mouth, breath and nostrils. We do not elaborate these legitimately naturally because God is a Spirit and therefore has no body. His third disclaimer concerns the nature of the inspired text of Scripture, which alone can be regarded as God's written word. This is the traditional Hebrew or Greek as it came from the author's hand. He argues that no extra inspiration/authority is claimed for any single translation as a translation. He dismisses the absence of the actual autograph presumably as God's deliberate providence probably to preclude us giving superstitious response to pieces of paper.

Stott additional treats the grounds Christians base guarnatee that the Bible is God's written word, originating with God and authoritative for men. Firstly, the historic Christian churches have consistently maintained and defended the divine origin of Scripture. Secondly, the prophets introduced their oracles with formulae like 'Thus says the Lord' or 'The Word of the Lord came to me saying...' The third is supplied by the readers of Scripture. Fourthly, the authority of Scripture is believed because of what Jesus said. He gave His reverent assent to the authority of the Old Testament Scripture for He submitted to its authority in His personal conduct, the fulfillment of His mission and in His controversies. He endorsed the New Testament differently. This is evident in His appointment of His apostles. Secondly, they had an eye-witness perceive of Christ. Thirdly, they had an spectacular, inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Lastly, agreeing to Stott, they were empowered to work miracles. Our impression of the uniqueness of the apostles is confirmed in two ways. Firstly, they themselves knew it and so exhibit in the New Testament their self-conscious apostolic authority. Secondly, the early church recognized it, dismissing both the 'kenosis' and 'accommodation' theories.

Stott concludes by providing cheap justification for submitting to the authority of Scripture. Firstly, it is a Christian thing to do. Secondly, to submit is not to pretend that there are no problems. However, problems do not overthrow our belief. Thirdly, it confirms the Lordship of Christ. It is cheap to bow to the authority of Scripture because, agreeing to Stott, we bow to the authority of Christ.

Chapter 7: The Literature of the Bible

Stott firmly asserts the infallibility of God's Word and observes that He has given us three teachers to instruct and guide us. These contain the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit, the Christian's disciplined study and the teaching of the Church. Our important instructor is the Holy Spirit Himself and Stott believes He enlightens four groups of habitancy - these are the regenerate/born again (John 3:3), the humble (Matt. 1:25-26), the obedient (John 7:17) and the communicative. He notes that if the Holy Spirit is our first and important teacher, there is a sense in which we ourselves must also teach ourselves, implying that we are unbelievable to responsibly use our reason. The spiritual person, unlike the natural, has the mind of Christ. Paul's conviction leads him to appeal to his readers' reason. Stott argues that we cannot deny the place of the church in God's plan to give His habitancy a right comprehension of His Word. The pastoral ministry is a teaching ministry. Luke gives a striking example of the role of the instructor (Acts 8:26-39). Although it is true that no human instructor is infallible, Stott vehemently argues that God has appointed teachers in His church for a purpose. It is our Christian duty to treat them with respect and to feed on God's Word when faithfully exposed, cautiously examining the Scriptures to verity the truth of the teachings received (Acts 17:11). The writer believes that it is by receiving the illumination of the Spirit, reasoning and listening to the teaching of others in the Church that we grow in our comprehension of Scripture.

Stott presents three law which, he believes, will guide us in our interpretation of Scripture. These sound law of interpretation contain the natural, traditional and general sense. He refers to the natural sense as the principle of simplicity. One of our basic Christian convictions is that God is light. He chose human language as the car of His self-revelation. He used the language of men in speaking to men. Since it is commonplace because human, we must study it like every other book, paying concentration to the rules of vocabulary, grammar and syntax. Stott believes that no serious bible reader can fly the discipline of linguistic study. He recommends knowledge of the traditional languages (Hebrew and Greek), acquisition of an 'accurate' modern English version and an analytical concordance. Stott refers to the traditional sense as the principle of history since God chose to tell Himself in a strict historical context. Questions that should be asked when the reading the Bible include, what did the author intend to carry by this? What is he legitimately asserting? What will his traditional hearers have understood him to have meant? This enquiry is ordinarily referred to as the 'grammatico-historical method' of interpretation. The writer critically considers the situation, style and language of writing. The third principle of interpretation is referred to as assortment of contributors. Divinely speaking, the entire Bible emanates from one mind. It therefore possesses an organic unity. Implicitly, we must advent Scripture with the reliance that God has spoken and has not contradicted Himself in so doing. Scripture, therefore, must be interpreted as one harmonious whole. These three principles, Stott believes, arise partly from the nature of God and Scripture as a plain historical, consistent communication from God to men. The solemn responsibility to make our rehabilitation of Scripture coincide with our view of it is apparent.

Chapter 8: The Use of the Bible

Stott's seminar on the use of the Bible to punctuate his text is deliberate. He observes that the conviction that our God is living and vocal, rather than dead and dumb, is basic to our Christian faith. He explains the sound reasons for accepting the Bible's authority and sound law to guide us in its interpretation. He identifies two inherent attitudes to God's Word. These are to either receive or reject it. Jesus similarly warned His contemporaries about their response to His teaching. Those who build on a rock and will finally survive the storms of adversity and judgement are those who demonstrate His teachings.

Stott outlines basic law of Christian living, stressing the point of capability time in meditating on God's Word. The convention of daily quiet time, Bible reading and prayer, he reiterates, is an inviolable tradition which has legitimately stood the test of time and brought immeasurable benefits to countless generations of Christians. Christian meditation and prayer, any way brief, at the beginning of each day prepare us to bear the day's responsibilities and face its temptations. Stott emphasized the point of personal, family and group Bible studies, and above all the group exposition of Scripture in Church. He observes that very often the pew blames the pulpit when the former legitimately determines the kind of pulpit ministry it wants. Congregations, he argues, have far more responsibility than they ordinarily identify for this kind of ministry they receive. He recommends that they should encourage their clergyman to elaborate Scripture. They should come to church in a receptive and expectant mood. They must come with their Bibles earnestly eager to hear what the Lord says through the lessons and sermon.

Stott lists five facets of the life-cycle of the doer of the Word. The first is worship which is impossible without a knowledge of the truth. Since it is a response to the truth of God, it is only God's Word (His self-revelation) which evokes the worship of God. In all group worship, there should be Scripture reading and an exhortation/instruction based on it (Neh. 8:8; I Tim. 4:13). The Bible's place in secret and group worship is indispensable. The second is repentance. God's Word tells us what we are as well as what He is, discloses to us our sin and calls us to confess and forsake it (Jer. 7:3). The third is faith which is an integral part of the Christian life. The fourth mark is obedience. Yet obedience involves submission (John 14:15) and this, Stott argues, appears to be out of fashion today. The fifth mark is witness. Stott impresses that truth cannot be concealed or monopolized.

The Bible then has an needful place in the life of a Christian naturally because God's revelation leads to worship, His warnings to repentance, His promises to faith, His commands to obedience and His truth to witness. God's Word is needful to us, irrespective of the medium through which we receive it. Indeed, Stott realistically observes that it is through His Word alone that the human being becomes qualified for every good work (2 Tim. 3:17).

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Was Jesus Christ An 'Ancient Astronaut'?

Miracle Grow Fertilizer - Was Jesus Christ An 'Ancient Astronaut'?

Good evening. Yesterday, I learned about Miracle Grow Fertilizer - Was Jesus Christ An 'Ancient Astronaut'?. Which is very helpful to me and also you. Was Jesus Christ An 'Ancient Astronaut'?

Erich von Daniken - of 'ancient astronaut' fame (though hardly the one and only in that field, he wasn't the first to think up the 'ancient astronaut' idea, but he well helped to popularize it) - has had many best selling book titles exploring that theme, when translated into English (von Daniken was Swiss) became known as "Chariots of the Gods"; "Gods from Outer Space" and several others of like ilk. Presumably the 'gods' refer to the general run of polytheistic gods. But the back jacket cover of my "Chariots of the Gods" tome he asks the question 'was God an astronaut?' presumably the monotheistic God. Of policy the plural gods could join the particular God. In any event, the index to whether of these first two noted volumes doesn't mention Jesus Christ (hereafter J.C.). I theorize the main theorize why, was that von Daniken focused more on archaeology and artefacts, and there just isn't much in the way of J.C. Archaeology and artefacts. I personally think mythology offers an equally if not good field in which to play, and there's a lot of J.C. Mythology. The question I now ask, was J.C. An 'ancient astronaut'?

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If you're a rational being you probably tend to think all things supernatural (ghosts, telekinesis, astrology, deities, etc.) are a load of codswallop. On the other hand, you, as a rational being, probably rejoinder there's historical evidence that J.C. Existed, though that's not suitable by all scholars. If so, if you think J.C. well existed, you have a question since J.C. Is considered by the multitudes to be a supernatural being. But, that paradox can be resolved, not just by denying J.C.'s very existence, but somehow attributing J.C.'s so-called supernatural abilities in a more, well not so much a down-to-earth way as in an up-to-space context. The very question explains all - was J.C. An 'ancient astronaut'? That is, was J.C., instead of a supernatural being, an extraterrestrial being?

Let's start at the beginning.

We have no idea what date J.C. Was 'born', if a virgin birth can be interpreted as being somehow plainly born. The 25th of December is a pure invention on the part of the Christian Church - even the exact year is uncertain. The so-called 'Star of Bethlehem' is of exiguous use. Despite speculation that the 'star' was a conjunction of two or more stellar and/or planetary objects, the 'star' would still decree itself into two or more points of light, even though apparently in very close proximity. Further, that two or three private points of light connection would also have been certain to observers in the days and weeks before (as the points of light grew closer together) and after (as they drew apart again). A supernovae or a comet would have been illustrated for many days' even weeks. A 'shooting star' would visually last way too short an interval. No, the 'star' must have been a one-off short period event. Let's call a spade a spade here - the 'star' was a first-rate Ufo sighting!

Piling on the speculation, let's say our Ufo was, say if not the Starship Heaven (the extraterrestrial and 'ancient astronaut' God's spacecraft), at least a shuttlecraft from same. If the infant J.C. Were, in a manner of speaking 'beamed down', well that would be something akin to a 'virgin birth'. Modern Ufo abduction lore would advise that our Modern aliens, the greys say, do have some sort of beaming technology.

Now it's my comprehension that there is quite some requisite 'missing time' gap between J.C.'s early years, and the start of his 'ministry' at roughly age 30 or thereabouts. J.C. Apparently went walkabout for quite a while and any valid J.C. Biography will have a large timeline gap in it. That a man of such significance as to attract a crowd at his 'virgin' birth, the messiah, the Son of God, could just vanish for years on end just staggers the imagination. The question is where did J.C. Go for all those years? perhaps he returned home for a bit of R&R, or reflection. My best guess is that J.C. Returned home (somewhere out there) for instruction, training and broad preparedness for what was to come, that is, his 'ministry' or whatever. Again, it is strange that man of his historical stature would have just vanished off the face of the planet for quite some requisite time.

Then we have the so-called 'miracles of Jesus' which tend to fall into four categories: exorcisms; operate over nature; medical cures; and raising the dead;. Even if J.C. Existed, there's no consensus that he performed anyone supernatural as in miracles. In fact, just one general miracle is mentioned in all four of the Gospels - feeding the multitudes with loaves and fishes on apparently two occasions. That might be explainable - a simple cell phone call to God on the Starship Heaven - "Hey Daddy, can you beam me down some more supplies please?" Somehow along the line, Matthew, Mark, Luke or John overlooked one or more of J.C.'s other miraculous accomplishments. In fact, slightly less than half of J.C.'s miracles merit only a particular mention from one of the four Gospels. Further, many of J.C.'s miracles seem pretty trivial like walking on water and cursing a fig tree. Anyway, I don't see anyone here that's beyond the technical capabilities of an industrialized extraterrestrial civilization.

Exorcisms - even ordinary Catholic priests can cast out a minor demon or two, but of policy if there no such thing as demons then there's nothing to well exorcise. Instead, just use the application of a bit of mumbo-jumbo; the power of suggestion; the application of a bit of pop science of mind - that should do the trick. The placebo corollary 'cures' the demonized.

Control over nature - well nothing a bit of slight-of-hand coupled with some sophisticated technology, along with the 'beam me up Scotty' collection couldn't accomplish. Sure, some of J.C.'s miracles appear impressive, but if Matthew, Mark, Luke and/or John could peruse some 20th and 21st Century technology, what tales I'm sure they would spin!

Cures - nothing Modern medicine couldn't handle. To the simple peasants of 2000 years ago, from their point of view, our 21st Century Md's do a bang up job in cures for probably most of the ailments that would have inflicted them.

Raising the dead - or was it walking up the sleeping as J.C. Himself admitted in one of only three such cases piquant him? Actually, and again from the perspective of 2000 years down the track, our Modern medical technology does a inexpensive job in resurrections of the apparently (i.e. - those under general anaesthesia) and sometimes even clinically dead, via the use of galvanic heart thumpers, administering oxygen, etc. Then there's that other J.C. Resurrection - J.C.'s own return to the 'living'. If J.C. Appeared to citizen post execution, well it's breathtaking what holographic projections can do, especially if you have no concept of hologram technology. Of policy maybe the extraterrestrial medical technology ready on the Starship Heaven could resurrect the dead or the fact that J.C. Was an extraterrestrial - he didn't have purely human physiology - might also by comparison it.

One other concept at this particular juncture comes to mind. One often repeated theme in mythology when it comes to the gods is the friction between father and son. Sooner or later, the son grows up and ultimately poses a threat to daddy and daddy's power. Gods were known to plot against their own kids, sometimes swallowing their newborn in order to forestall any added on down-the-track rivalry for power with their legitimate heirs. Daddy gods could be and often were jealous of their own offspring. So what about the connection between J.C. And God?

Well our monotheistic God is well a jealous God by His own admission via the Ten Commandments, so it stands to theorize that He's going to be miffed that His son J.C. Has stolen His limelight. That is, J.C. Had achieved good P.R. broad and perhaps a greater following than God Himself commanded 2000 years ago. However, God laughs last and best because obviously J.C. Didn't get to corollary Dad home, alive at least, since he of policy met his waterloo nearly 20 centuries ago. One would think that an all-powerful God could have well saved His son from operation via The Cross, if He had wanted to. However, allowing the operation to go ahead was a well easy and guilt-free way of eliminating a time to come rival. well our extraterrestrial 'God' wasn't totally without compassion for His executed son (the straw that broke the camel's back?), so before departing He no doubt 'beamed' J.C.'s body aboard His Starship Heaven, and in so doing explains J.C.'s resurrection and his empty tomb!

What I'm speculating here is that God has left the building. The basis for suggesting this is that even if you take the evidence for God's existence as revealed in the Bible at face value - burning bushes, pillars of salt, universal floods, etc. There has been nothing one can hang one's hat on for the past several thousand years in the way of evidence for God. No interviews, no photographs, no new Commandments, no verified miracles that God and only a God could preform, total and apparent willful ignoring of the pope's prayers for all the sorts of things popes go on and on about (like praying for world peace - a futile gesture if ever there was one), etc. Now, if God were well not God, but 'God', an extraterrestrial, well Starship Heaven and crew might have left the building (Planet Earth) eons ago and sought greener pastures. I mean God's Old Testament temper tantrums got Him nowhere; we still take His name in vain and curse Him "God damn it"; His Ten Commandments are often ignored by the great unwashed; J.C. Seems to get more press coverage and certain P.R. As noted above; God has lots of competition from other deities, as well as other goods and services that rival His. I mean God can no more compete with prime time reality television and rap music and cell phones and iPods and the Internet's MySpace and Facebook, than J.C. Can now compete with consumerism and commercialism on the 25th of December! No, I think 'God' (the extraterrestrial since I don't believe the supernatural God exists) has voluntarily give humanity the 'big finger' and taken his bat and ball and gone home to sulk. Or perhaps 'God' has been involuntarily exiled. I mean if 'God' exists, then perhaps the 'gods' must also exist, and because there are many, many 'gods', (in this context God is outnumbered many thousands upon thousands to one) well I mean even the schoolyard bully can be sent packing with tail tucked between legs if sufficient of the bullied gang up and fight back. There's no love lost between God and the gods since God ascended the Top Dog throne and Commanded that the gods be considered persona non-grata.

However, that aside, J.C.'s 'mission' seems to have been somewhat akin to our terrestrial missionaries who spread out to the four 'corners' of the globe, along with way too often knocking on your door; spreading the 'good word' (although often that's often separate words for separate missionaries). So, J.C. Comes to Earth (probably via Dad's Starship Heaven) to spread the good news about piquant life in space, our 'space brothers', which was totally misinterpreted and moulded into a supernatural context by our aged ancestors. That's understandable - J.C.'s strutting his high tech stuff wouldn't be comprehensible to the masses 2000+ years ago.

I've deliberately used the phrase 'space brothers' above, because I want to make a connection between J.C. As an angelic-like extraterrestrial being, and the way more new (1950's) contactees who claimed to have had personal taste with and messages from angelic-like extraterrestrial beings, often called by the contactees our 'space brothers' who have come to Earth in their 'flying saucers*'.

The contactees were often bucketed as total loonies back then (in the 50's) by the mainstream, even mainstream citizen curious in extraterrestrial life and Ufos, along with myself. That's no less so today if man is still foolish sufficient to mention them - like me here and now. But a question remains on the grounds of 'innocent until proven guilty', did the contactees (collectively) compose these angelic-like extraterrestrial beings with the intent of fraud; or to have some fun and hoax the collective and pull the wool over their unsuspecting eyes; or perhaps they just, collectively, had some serious mental issues, say delusions of sorts. Or, perhaps the contactees were relating the truth as they concept they had experienced it, when perhaps the angelic-like extraterrestrial beings were being less than 100% honest with them for reasons best known to themselves, though one can speculate.

In the light of J.C. As a role model, passing himself off as a deity suitable to the populace rather than as a technologically industrialized extraterrestrial which might be beyond the comprehension of that same populace, so too in the 1950's our 'space brothers' only told as much of their story as would be comprehensible to the relatively simple citizen of that era. Now truthfully, the contactees (George Adamski say as an example of the general contactee stereotype) were relatively simple folk. They weren't university deans, or theoretical physicists, or four-star generals, or diplomatic statesmen and legal eagles and Md's, etc. That brings up an certain question, why would our 'space brothers' bother with the great unwashed when they could just as well land on the White House lawn and be addressing Congress within hours? Well, back to J.C. As template, the contactees, simple folk, were the sort of folk that - if you believe traditional Biblical J.C. Mythology - J.C. Would have linked with. However, the contactees were fed sufficient bovine fertilizer that their idealistic philosophical messages got buried along with their tall tales of trips to Venus and Saturn, etc., where the 'space brothers' lived. Although then again, you have that angelic-like aged Near Eastern goddess Inanna or Inana (Ishtar) identified with the celestial planet Venus, so who knows where the 'gods' have well set up camp!

Or did those 50's idealistic 'space brother' philosophical messages well get buried? perhaps our 'space brothers' are a bit more clued than given prestige for.

I can't help but wonder, maybe it's no coincidence that roughly immediately following the heyday of the contactees came the era of the Hippies and counterculture with their idealistic philosophical concepts (influences which have filtered down to this very day and age) of "hell no, we won't go"; burn your draft card; bra-burning; flower-power; love; peace; brotherhood (and sisterhood); the dawning of the Age of Aquarius; free love, drop in, tune out, etc. You can't help but feel that the Biblical J.C. As ordinarily described, wouldn't have fitted right into that picture. J.C. Might have been more at home with citizen who smoked pot and attended Woodstock than lunching with politicians and generals smoking cigars, drinking scotch-on-the-rocks and sanctioning the dropping of napalm and Agent Orange on Vietnam.

So, was J.C. An 'ancient astronaut'? Only you can be the judge.

*Contactees didn't use the term Ufos or the phrase 'unidentified flying objects' because to them there was nothing unidentified about them.

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Take on the Challenge - A Biblical Foundation For Prophecy

Miracle Grow Fertilizer - Take on the Challenge - A Biblical Foundation For Prophecy

Hi friends. Today, I discovered Miracle Grow Fertilizer - Take on the Challenge - A Biblical Foundation For Prophecy. Which could be very helpful to me and also you. Take on the Challenge - A Biblical Foundation For Prophecy

Growing up in a "Spirit-Filled" church the move of the Holy Spirit, miracles and prophecy were as common place in our religious doctrine of beliefs as the Trinity, tithing and Jesus' reduce on the cross. As I have matured I have also grown to appreciate what I have witnessed with my own eyes and shared with others hoping the contagious message of Christ would find fertile ground in their soul.

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There are also "unique characteristics" found mostly in Spirit-Filled churches that most other churches shutter at the very mention of the word. One such "unique characteristic" is the gift of prophecy. Initially, when it comes to prophecy, many of us think of citizen speaking in the Kings English followed by riddles and Scripture wrapped up in heart-felt delivery. Though I would be the last of which to reduction how the Lord desires to speak to His children I would like to address some abuses of the "P" word while also re-applying some much needed fear of the Lord.

As with the gift of miracles God allows His Holy Spirit to be exerted, on and straight through man, to deliver a resounding message using the gift of prophecy. (See last week's challenge: Miracles) However, there is a unique capability often "hushed under the carpet" of most Spirit-Filled churches, and absent from most important prophets today. The lack of humility combined with the fear of the Lord have become a crucial "missing link" in bonding the gift of prophecy to the church of today.

In the late 20th and 21st Century it has become to "Church Chic" to be a prophet or some derivative thereof. Today I have even heard citizen claiming to have "anointing" that can only be Scripturally supported by inserting ones-self in the role of Jesus Christ, a questionable convention to be certain. Still such practices have not resulted in modern day church elders and pastors attempting to bring balance to a proven work of the Holy Spirit. In fact, the church has helped feed the desire for "prophetic" declarations Scriptural or not.

To originate God's placement of prophecy see Jude 14-15, Numbers 12:6-8, Deuteronomy 18:18. Yes, God uses prophecy to speak to man and show us our need for His clear and revealed Word. According to Unger's Bible Dictionary ¼ of the Bible specifically addresses the "honest medicine of prophecy and warning of excess and abuse."

2 Peter 1:21, Jeremiah 23:16, Ezekiel 13:3, Exodus 4:16, 7: 1-2 apply what is necessary for those operating in the office of prophet and the gift prophecy. Again, it comes back to a fear of the Lord! The Biblical prophet was responsible to speak the Word of the Lord and address the people's transgressions, give them hope of pardon and consolation and be as watchmen to warn of the times. (See Isaiah 58:1, Ezekiel 22:2, Micah 3:8, Ezekiel 3:17, Jeremiah 6:17)

What prophecy is not is a platform for an individual to fortune tell, promise riches, or speak for the Lord out of the mind of man! Prophecy was all the time and should continue as a verbal reminder of:

o Our dependence on God, completely! (See Daniel 4: 34-35)
o Our need for God to be our only salvation. Not ourselves. (See Hosea 13:9)
o Render worship and homage and obedience to Him. (See Isaiah 60: 6-7, Malachi 1:11)

Instead of "throwing the baby out with the bath water" let us treat the move of the prophetic, as well as those mortal agents who serve God, with the absolute fear of the Lord. If we are to be speaking His Word then we need to be rigorous not to be those guilty of misquoting or inventing the Spirit of God so we may appear to possess a gifting that the Spirit only determines to whom and how much is given. Let us all stay open the move of the Holy Spirit but respectfully cautious as we render worship, homage and obedience to Him!

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Scotts Fertilizer - A Need To Know Guide

Miracle Grow Fertilizer - Scotts Fertilizer - A Need To Know Guide

Hello everybody. Now, I learned about Miracle Grow Fertilizer - Scotts Fertilizer - A Need To Know Guide. Which is very helpful if you ask me and you. Scotts Fertilizer - A Need To Know Guide

Scotts Miracle-Gro Company, the parent enterprise of Scotts Fertilizer, offers many distinct kinds of fertilizer with distinct formulas that are catered to many distinct kinds of lawns. When you are seeing for what kind of fertilizer you will need for your lawn, keep in mind that you may in fact need more than one formula, depending on the time of year and where you live. Somebody who lives in Scottsdale, Arizona will not need the same kinds of fertilizer for their lawn as person from Duluth, Minnesota.

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Miracle Grow Fertilizer

Scotts Turf builder Lawn Fertilizer with 2% Iron is a beloved selection among many lawn care hobbyists because of its universal method that can be applied to any kind of grass. However there are also specialty blends that are formulated for definite types of grass in distinct parts of the country. For instance, Scotts Southern Turf builder with 2% Iron is formulated specifically for southern regions, which are more susceptible to intense heat and long dry periods.

While Scotts offers many distinct kinds of fertilizer for just about every need (at least thirteen), if you want the best seeing lawn you're going to want to look at a composition of distinct fertilizer formulas. Scotts themselves suggests you fertilize your lawns using a four-part schedule. In the early part of spring, apply a typical fertilizer. If you have children, use Scotts Organic Choice, that way the kids can run out and play as soon as the fertilizer has been laid on the grass without risk. In June, apply a fertilizer with Weed operate to keep any weeds that may be growing at bay. In late-July, early-August you will want to apply Scotts Lawn Pro Super Turf builder with Summerguard to safe your lawn against the intense strain from the heat, as well as helping your lawn stay healthy while the drought months. Finally, apply a fertilizer with a winter method near the end of the lawn mowing season to put in order your lawn for the winter months ahead.

From organic-based eco friendly, to strengthening the roots to help your grass suck in every nutrient it needs to give it that healthy, green appearance, Scotts has a formulated fertilizer for your needs.

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pregnancy Stages - Your Baby's Journey

Miracle Grow Fertilizer - pregnancy Stages - Your Baby's Journey

Good evening. Now, I learned about Miracle Grow Fertilizer - pregnancy Stages - Your Baby's Journey. Which may be very helpful for me therefore you. pregnancy Stages - Your Baby's Journey

Pregnancy Stages Month One - from the moment your egg is fertilized your baby's genetic blueprint is set. Following fertilization the egg turns into a ball of cells and implants itself into the wall of the womb. It starts to grow, becoming no bigger than a grain of rice before it starts to grow a heart and a spinal cord.

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Miracle Grow Fertilizer

Pregnancy Stages Month Two - The baby starts to take more of a human form, the head grows, facial features start to form, hands and feet start to create and its muscles begin to grow. By the end of the second month a heartbeat can be picked up by ultrasound. By week eight the fetus is about 2.5cm long, 10,000 times bigger than at the point of conception.

Pregnancy Stages Month Three - In the third month toes and fingers appear, sex organs start to create and by the end of the month all the vital organs are formed and the baby officially becomes known as a fetus. By week 12 your baby should weigh nearby 14g and be nearby 8cm long. Beyond 12 weeks the baby becomes less susceptible to infection and the risk of miscarriage is greatly reduced.

Pregnancy Stages Month Four - during the forth month the baby continues to grow, toe and fingernails appear and fine hair appears all over the body. Your minute miracle should now be able to curl their fingers and toes and suck their thumb.

Pregnancy Stages Month Five - Hair, eyelashes and eyebrows grow and the baby's senses start to develop. The baby continues to grow to almost 13cm and a creamy white substance is produced to coat the body and safe the baby's skin.

Pregnancy Stages Month Six - The baby's increase slows down, he starts to have more control over his movements and his digestive and immune systems and lungs start to mature.

Pregnancy Stages Month Seven - All major organs accept the lungs are functioning, cells mature and the brain develops. A baby born in the seventh month has a good opening of survival.

Pregnancy Stages Month Eight - The baby can open and close his eyes and develops a sense of taste. He may determine in position for birth and looks very much like a newborn.

Pregnancy Stages Month Nine - The baby is now fully formed and growing. The baby develops a thick layer of subcutaneous fat and can gain up to 225g per week. In the last month the baby's head will usually engage into the pelvis in readiness for birth. Less than 10% of babies arrive on their due date with nearby 85% arriving in the first two weeks of month ten.

I hope you have new knowledge about Miracle Grow Fertilizer. Where you possibly can put to use in your day-to-day life. And above all, your reaction is passed about Miracle Grow Fertilizer.

Enjoy the Fine Art of Gardening

Miracle Grow Fertilizer - Enjoy the Fine Art of Gardening

Good afternoon. Now, I learned about Miracle Grow Fertilizer - Enjoy the Fine Art of Gardening. Which could be very helpful if you ask me therefore you. Enjoy the Fine Art of Gardening

Gardening is an activity that can be enjoyed by your entire family, even your children. Even so, your organery can still be a very delightful place in which to spend time. If you would like to plant a vegetable garden, you may have to make some alterations to allow your children will especially enjoy planting such things as pumpkins, watermelons and sunflowers.

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Miracle Grow Fertilizer

Creating While Gardening

There are many ways in which you can plant vegetables in your garden, but the best way to do this is through organic gardening. Here you can grow such things as a theme garden. For instance, you can plant a pizza organery so that you will have all things that you need the next time that you want to make pizza. For instance, you could include tomatoes, green peppers, jalapeños, onions and varied herbs and seasonings such as basil, oregano and thyme.

All Natural Gardening

In order to organery in this fashion you will need to buy some exact organery supplies. For instance, did you know that the best type of water for your organery is absolutely natural rain water? Well, with this being true, thankfully there are absolutely rain barrels in which you can acquire water anytime that it rains. These are made out of recycled materials too, thus development them even more eco-friendly. There are also compost bins that you can use so that you have nutrient-rich compost to feed your vegetables instead of using such products as Miracle Grow. Of course, there are also natural ways in which you can chase away bugs, deer and other such animals from your garden.

Even though you will need these special supplies, you will be happy to know that this is absolutely the most wholesome type of organery that you could plant. It is also the cheapest type of organery that you can plant. In this organery you will avoid using any chemicals, commercially produced fertilizers or pesticides. Without the use of these things you will absolutely find that your vegetables will also taste a whole lot better. You will also discover that your vegetables will taste a lot fresher. This is because nature intended for us to eat vegetables like this. While you may think that it would be difficult to grow vegetables in this manner, you will be surprised to find that this absolutely is not the case at all. In fact, it is very easy for gardening in this manner.

While you may not believe it right now, after you take the time to grow some vegetables the natural way, you will absolutely be able to taste the difference. Plus, you will be able to see just how much healthier they are for you.

I hope you have new knowledge about Miracle Grow Fertilizer. Where you possibly can offer utilization in your daily life. And above all, your reaction is passed about Miracle Grow Fertilizer.

Blue-Green Algae: Wonder Food or Waste of Money?

Miracle Grow Fertilizer - Blue-Green Algae: Wonder Food or Waste of Money?

Good morning. Today, I learned all about Miracle Grow Fertilizer - Blue-Green Algae: Wonder Food or Waste of Money?. Which could be very helpful in my experience and you. Blue-Green Algae: Wonder Food or Waste of Money?

Algae ranges from puny organisms to 180' long seaweed. More than 200 species have been used as food since prehistoric times in virtually every country that has a coastline. It has also been used widely as fertilizer. Algae are abundant, high in minerals, and depending on the species, a good source of protein, carbohydrates, fiber, principal fatty acids and vitamins.

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Miracle Grow Fertilizer

The puny algae growing in cold waters (oceans) include the principal omega-3 fatty acids, but you can't eat them; they are eaten by zooplankton, which are in turn consumed by larger and larger shellfish or fish, and fish-eating birds and mammals. So you get their benefit when you eat cold-water fish and shellfish.

Blue-green algae grown in fresh-water lakes can be harvested for real because they secure in large amounts on the surface ("pond scum") and can be skimmed off. They do not include the omega-3 fatty acids that are found in the cold-water species. They do include protein, vitamins and minerals, but not in any greater amounts than that found in many other lowly foods. Aged tribes in South and Central America harvested the algae from their lakes, dried it in bricks and ate it in large amounts, not in tiny pills. You need to eat a pound of blue-green algae to equal, say, a pound of soybeans.

That's why it makes no sense to buy blue-green algae in pills. A pound of dried soybeans costs 89 cents; a pound of dried blue-green algae in pill form costs over 00. Blue-green algae does not include any "miracle" substances and has not been shown to cure anyone - despite the claims of its advertisers.

Large algae (seaweed) has more fiber and carbohydrates, and less protein, than the puny algae, and is also a good source of minerals and some vitamins. It's ready in Asian markets, and can be a tasty expanding to soups or stews.

Microscopic algae and seaweed harvested from polluted waters will include the toxins found in the water, so unless you harvest it yourself and know the water is clean, algae is not a food you want to eat in large amounts.

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Growing Tomatoes From Tomatoes: Why You Still Need Store-Bought Seeds

Miracle Grow Fertilizer - Growing Tomatoes From Tomatoes: Why You Still Need Store-Bought Seeds

Good morning. Now, I learned all about Miracle Grow Fertilizer - Growing Tomatoes From Tomatoes: Why You Still Need Store-Bought Seeds. Which may be very helpful in my experience so you. Growing Tomatoes From Tomatoes: Why You Still Need Store-Bought Seeds

Before you grow tomatoes, you have to settle how you will go about doing things. Will you use seeds, or will you be utilizing a harder method... Growing tomatoes from tomatoes? The latter might seem more convenient, especially if you already have tomatoes in the refrigerator. However, if your tomatoes were grown from market farming procedures (over organic ones), they are probably hybridized. This means that their seeds are probably sterile. For this reason, if you want to start growing tomatoes from other tomatoes, consider starting things off the old-fashioned way... Using seeds to jumpstart the process. Then once they start sprouting tomatoes, you will have the power to grow new sets of plants.

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Miracle Grow Fertilizer

To grow tomatoes from seeds, you must first think about when you will start planting. You should do this 6 to 8 weeks before it starts getting cold in your area. If the temperatures go below the mid-50s, you might have issue growing your plants. For the growing itself, there are many containers you can use. The cheapest are the plastic ones that you find at most organery shops. They are not fancy, but they are very easy to use for beginners. However, they are not miracle-workers, so if the soil within the box is not sterile, your plants may encounter disease. With that said, stick to "soilless" mediums as they do the same thing without exposing your plants to harmful organisms.

After you have ready your trays, you are ready to plant your seeds. With a pencil, punch one hole into the soil. Drop 2 or 3 seeds into this hole. Only one seed is needed for germination, but the more you put down, the greater your chances of success. Just do not surpass 2 or 3 seeds, as the area may not be big adequate to adapt the growth. In any case, after you have laid your seeds, apply a thin layer of top soil then water the area. The soil should be moistened but not over-watered and soaked. Repeat this procedure with every cup in the tray. Now you need to put your seedlings into a warm area, somewhere colse to 70 degrees. If the area fits that requirement, place the seeds near a window sill. Make sure the window receives adequate light, as sunlight is especially vital during the starting stages of a tomato plant's life. For watering, do as you did before... Moisten the soil, but do not soak it. And only water when the soil appears dry.

When it gets closer to planting time, your plants will go straight through a unique "hardening off" period. This is nature's way of helping them build defenses against the elements. To get the most out of this process, start putting your plants covering for hour. Growth this timeframe by one hour each day and continue doing this until you have reached 4 hours. By doing this, your plants will come to be healthier and stronger.

Once your plants start growing tomatoes, you will have a harvest that you can eat, sell or save for hereafter plants. If you settle to save your tomatoes for hereafter plants, you will have to extract their seeds. You will also have to dry them out, (as wet seeds will not fertilize). Afterward, just repeat the steps mentioned above. Since the seeds would have originated from a non-hybridized plant, you should be able to grow them pretty easily. And do not worry about pollination, as tomatoes are one of the few plants that can pollinate themselves. As long as their seeds are healthy and non-hybridized, they have just as much sprouting capability as the ones you buy from the store. By following this process, starting next season you'll be able to start growing tomatoes from the tomatoes left over from this summer, assuming you found a range that you enjoy and that grows well in your area.

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First Weeks of reproduction

Miracle Grow Fertilizer - First Weeks of reproduction

Good morning. Today, I learned all about Miracle Grow Fertilizer - First Weeks of reproduction. Which is very helpful if you ask me and you. First Weeks of reproduction

The first few weeks of reproduction can be somewhat strange and marvelous at the same time, but its also a very special time, at this stage most women wouldn't comprehend that they are pregnant. This guide will help you understand and enjoy your pregnancy, you will learn whats going on in your body and how your baby is developing week by week.

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Miracle Grow Fertilizer

Fertilization of the Egg

Fertilization is believed to occur in the middle part of the tube called the ampulla, not inside the uterus. Sperm travel straight through the uterine cavity and out into the tube to meet the egg. When the sperm and egg join, the sperm must pass straight through any outer layers of the ovum, although many sperm lanch the outer layers normally only one sperm enters the ovum and fertilizes it. After the sperm penetrates the ovum, the sperm head attaches to its surface. The membranes of the sperm and ovum unite, enclosing in the same membrane. The ovum reacts to this sense with the sperm by manufacture changes in the outer layers so no added sperm can enter. The sperm also loses its tail. The head of the sperm is called the male pro nucleus, the ovum is called the female pro nucleus. The chromosomes of the male and female pro nuclei combine. When this starts happening very small bits of facts and characteristics from each partner conjoin. This chromosomal facts gives us our singular characteristics. Each parent supplies 23 chromosomes your baby is a blend of chromosomal facts from both parents. Your baby's sex is considered at the time of reproduction by the type of sperm that fertilizes the egg.

When is your baby due?

The beginning of a reproduction is for real figured out from the beginning of the first day of your last menstrual period. That means your are pregnant 2 weeks before you for real conceive. This can be confusing so lets look a puny closer.

For most women they don't know the exact date of conception, but they have a good idea of the date of their last period, this is the point from which a reproduction is dated, for most women ovulation takes place colse to the middle of their monthly cycle or 2 weeks before their next period. reproduction last about 280 days or 40 weeks from the start of the 1st day of the last period. You can think your due date by counting 280 days from the 1st day of your last period, this gives you the approximate date of delivery. Calculating a reproduction this way gives the gestational age or menstrual age, most doctors and midwives use this method to keep track of time while pregnancy. Most people count time while reproduction by using weeks, most find this the easiest way.

Its also important to understand a due date is only an estimate, not an exact date don't count on that singular date, see it as a goal a date to put in order and look send to, you may see that date come and go and no baby. Insight how time is recorded while reproduction helps, remember no matter how you count the time of your reproduction its going to last as long as its going to last, but a miracle is happening, a life is growing and developing inside you, enjoy this marvelous convert in your life.

Look out for time to come articles from me on week 4 and beyond.

I hope you have new knowledge about Miracle Grow Fertilizer. Where you'll be able to offer easy use in your everyday life. And just remember, your reaction is passed about Miracle Grow Fertilizer.

Growing Organic Potatoes

Miracle Grow Fertilizer - Growing Organic Potatoes

Good afternoon. Today, I found out about Miracle Grow Fertilizer - Growing Organic Potatoes. Which is very helpful in my experience so you. Growing Organic Potatoes

Potato Definitions

What I said. It shouldn't be the conclusion that the actual about Miracle Grow Fertilizer. You read this article for home elevators an individual want to know is Miracle Grow Fertilizer.

Miracle Grow Fertilizer

Seed Potatoes - approx. 2" x 2" potato chunks with at least 1 or 2 "eyes."

Potato Seeds - growing potatoes from actual seed which is more difficult; most gardeners naturally plant seed potatoes.

Spuds - nickname for potatoes - derived from the Latin "spad" which means sword. Our word "spade" comes from this word which is a "sword which is stuck into the ground" to open the hole for the potato. Sometime in the 19th century "spud" - an Irish digging implement used to plant potatoes - and "potato" became synonymous. Don't ask me...I'm only part Irish!

When To Plant

In Northern areas, you can begin planting and growing seed potatoes directly in the orchad 14-21 days before the last frost date.

Potatoes can withstand a light frost, and even if the plants wilt and turn black with a heavier frost, the plants will come back (this happened to us last year).

You can begin growing most varieties of potatoes in late March or April; if you plant too early in the spring you run the risk of your seed potatoes rotting before they grow.

Last year I made the mistake of planting our potatoes too early, and it of course stunted their growth. Our Ukrainian neighbors planted colse to mid-April, and their potatoes came up before ours did! And they had a much best harvest.

Late season potatoes may be planted as late as July in Northern climates. These late season varieties store best as well.

You can grow both red-skinned and white-skinned potatoes as early and late crops.

In Southern areas, you can begin planting and growing in February or March. Temperatures commonly stay above frosty in many areas of the "deep south" (Southern parts of Ga, Al, Ms, La, Tx, and the entire state of Florida). In these areas you can often plant potatoes by mid-January, and other crop in mid-to-late September.

Depending on your growing climate, potatoes reach maturity colse to 3 to 4 months.

Where To Plant

Potatoes should be planted in an area that receives at least six hours of full sunlight daily.

If you're converting lawn to orchad area, it is best to avoid planting potatoes in the new orchad area for at least the first year as they may be assaulted by grubworms.

Potatoes prefer well-drained soil with moderate quantities of organic matter and sand.

Don't add large amounts of manure to your soil as it causes scabs on your potatoes - this happened to us a few years back.

Preparing Your Soil

Potatoes grow best if the pH level of your soil is colse to 4.8 to 5.5; they'll commonly do Ok even up to 6.5, although they may have more scabbing.

If your soil has a pH above 6.0, you can purchase potato varieties that are scab-resistant.

Potatoes want a decent estimate of potassium and phosphate which is typical of root crops.


1) Dig a trench about 12" deep and 18" wide.

2) Mix 2 - 3 inches of compost in with about half of the dirt; Note: The University of Maine concluded, after a multi-year study, that adding 10 tons of compost per acre over the duration of the study did growth the crop yield.

3) Mix other 2 - 3 inches of compost in with the dirt on the side of the trench; if you need to add potassium to your soil, mix a good organic source such as bone meal, which strengthens the roots.

4) The center of the trench will come to be your row - space rows about 30 to 36 inches apart.

5) Add an organic nitrogen fertilizer into the soil on the side of the trench if needed.

6) remove any larger rocks as they'll deform your potatoes.

Now you're ready to plant!

Seed Varieties

To start your potato patch, determine how many pounds of potatoes you would like to harvest.

Five pounds of seed potatoes will yield in the middle of 45 and 70 lbs. Of potatoes and will want a orchad area of about 10 x 12 feet.

Plant at least two varieties (I like a red variety and Yukon Golds, a white variety).

Think about planting both an early maturing (reds) and a medium or late maturing variety (white).

Seeds And Germination

Potatoes germinate at a low soil temperature of 45°, but germinate best at a temperature of about 55° to 65°F.

Growing potatoes at a soil temperature of 45° will work Ok, but grow best in the temperature range of 55° to 80°F.

Potatoes stop forming if the soil temperature reaches 80°F; to prevent soil from getting too warm, layer 3 to 4 inches of straw or other organic mulch colse to your potatoes to keep the soil cool and the weeds under control.

It takes about 2 to 4 weeks to see potato seedlings emerge from your soil, depending on the soil temperature.

Potatoes want primary light and moisture to germinate well.

Jenny's Tip #1: If you're planting early potatoes, you can sprout your potatoes before planting. This could bring your potato harvest two or three weeks earlier. To sprout your potatoes, lay your seed potatoes in a tray in sunlight or a greenhouse until the sprouts are no longer than an inch. Determined plant the sprouted potatoes being truthful not to break the sprouts off.

Direct Planting In Your Garden

When you're growing potatoes, determine how many pounds you'll want to harvest; our house of six eats about 300lbs. Per year.

You'll typically get in the middle of 8 and 14 pounds of potatoes per pound you plant; it'll take about 8 to 10 lbs of seed potatoes per every 100 feet of potatoes you plant. Again, using our house as an example, we'd plant about 35 to 40 lbs. Of potatoes at the most, although last year our yield was about 12 lbs. To every pound of potatoes planted, so we might want to plant maybe 30 lbs., or about three 80 foot rows.

Note: Planting potatoes from the grocery store is not recommended; they are treated to keep from sprouting and you don't know what diseases they might bring into your area.

Prior to planting your seed potatoes, cut them into pieces with one or two eyes (preferably two) and let them cure in a warm, dry place for at least 12 hours (24 is even better, but if you're like me, you want to get those exiguous spuds in the ground!).

After your potatoes are cured, place them in the trench outlined in the "Preparing Your Soil" area above; at least one "eye" should be pointing up.

If you've ready your trench well, you should have loose, well-drained soil to plant your potatoes in; place one of your cut seed potatoes every 10 to 12 inches.

Take the remaining soil that's piled on the side of the trench and cover the tops of your potatoes with 3 to 4 inches of soil.

Make sure the soil is very moist.

Straw Potatoes: An Alternate Planting Method

"Planting" potatoes on the top of the ground and covering with straw has been cleverly named "straw potatoes."

Till or loosen your soil, adding compost similar to the former method. Tilling the compost and bonemeal into the soil works well.

Lay the potatoes on top of the ground 10 to 12 inches apart the same as you would trenched potatoes, then cover with 4 to 6 inches of straw.

Within a consolidate weeks you should see potato seedling popping up straight through the straw. Add straw colse to the plants during the season if the straw cover gets to thin.

Straw potatoes have very few weeds, especially if you are able to regain clean barley straw. Pull the few weeds that do emerge.

Use of straw helps keep the soil temperature below 80°F even on the hottest summer days, reducing water loss.

If you want to enter your potatoes into the county fair, using the strawing formula for growing potatoes will yield a more physically inviting spud than one grown in the dirt.


When your potato seedlings reach about 6" in height, mound other 3" of soil colse to the base of the plant to keep the potatoes from being exposed to the sun. Do this every consolidate of weeks until the potatoes flower.

This prevents your potatoes from turning green; a potato that has turned green contains a bitter-tasting alkaloid that is mildly poisonous.

As previously mentioned, once your potato seedlings have reached about 6" in height, you can whether mound soil colse to your plants or, and this is my favorite method, you can add about 3 to 4 inches of clean straw mulch colse to your plants.

Mulching helps enounce a more even and lower soil temperature which is conducive to growing potatoes; and it helps keep the weeds under control.

One added feature of straw mulch is that it makes it difficult for the Colorado Potato Beetle larvae to get to your potato plants.

When weeding your potatoes, pull the weeds by hand as potatoes grow very close to the covering of the soil and tilling might damage the young tubers.

Avoid heavy pregnancy of potatoes which encourages excessive foliage growth and delays tuber growth. Most of the fertilizing should be done before the potatoes are planted.

Jenny's Tip #2: This past year we discovered a liquid organic leaf spray fertilizer called Organic orchad Miracle™ (Ogm). This leaf spray naturally stimulates your orchad plants to yield more plant sugar, which is the basis for the size, production, and the flavor and sweetness of your orchad produce. We recommend this goods highly; plus it comes with a of course good warranty.


For most of the season, growing potatoes want about one inch of water weekly. If you're mulching, check moisture levels weekly, but you shouldn't need as much water.

If you have sandy soil, you may need to water more frequently. Mulching will help, but the water will drain downwards rather than evaporating upwards.

If you are able to, use soaker hoses or drip irrigation and make sure your soil stays wet at least 12" down.

Light watering of potatoes is virtually useless. Erratic irrigation may cause "hollow heart;" the inside of the potato will be hollow.

Reduce watering when the plants begin to yellow and die.

Companion Planting / Crop Rotation

Alyssum attracts beneficial wasps and acts as a living mulch.

Horseradish is said to ward off Colorado Potato Beetles (I haven't tried this, but it appears to be well-founded).

Marigolds also are noted to keep beetles away from Potatoes.

Tomatoes and Potatoes should not be planted near each other as they can infect each other with early and late blight.

Potatoes shouldn't be planted in the same area for at least 4 years after they have grown in an area.

Potatoes and Winter Squash (Pumpkins, Butternut, etc.), if planted near each other, will inhibit each other's growth.

When To Harvest

You can begin to harvest "new potatoes" when potato plants are still green - we commonly wait until the plant is flowering.

Harvest your potatoes after most of the vines have died, before the soil temperature drops below 40°F, causing the starches to turn to sugar (makes potatoes lose their flavor).

Harvest just after a light frost and before the heavy frosts begin in the fall; if you can, wait a consolidate of weeks to let the potato skins harden.

Place shovel about a foot away from the main potato vine and dig straight down; pull back on your should pop up a potato or two or three...repeat on the opposite side and continue down the row this way.

Be truthful not to accidentally skin the potatoes as it will influence their long-range storability.


Don't wash your potatoes until you're ready to use them.

Store potatoes for a consolidate of weeks in a cool, dry area at about 55° to 60°F, then store them in a very cool, dark place - 40° to 45°F at 90% Humidity - straight through the winter.

The best custom for storing tomatoes is to layer newspaper in the middle of the layers of potatoes in a wooden box if you're able to buy or build them.

Jenny's Tip #3: We dug a 4' x 6' x 54" deep hole, lined it with a plywood box, and put our root crops in the bottom, covered them with about 18" of barley straw, and covered the hole with an old 3/4" sheet of plywood. It stays right about 40°F all winter in our "root cellar."

Preventative And Natural Solutions To tasteless Pests And Problems

Colorado Potato Beetle:

Probably the most tasteless pest attacking potatoes is the Colorado Potato Beetle.

This striped beetle winters in the soil, then re-appears the following spring.

Both adult and larvae beetles feed on the potato plant leaves; if left unchecked, they can defoliate the entire potato plant.

Potatoes grow fastest after flowering, so this is the most important time to make sure these beetles are under control.

Insecticides available to home gardeners are virtually powerless against the Colorado potato beetle due to insecticide resistance.

If you have a small garden, handpicking is ordinarily quite productive (we had about six 60' rows year before last and we handpicked the beetles).

Check under the leaves and crush any yellowish-orange eggs you find.

Early varieties tend to be unaffected by the beetles as the crop is done by the time the beetles are out in any great quantities.

Another complicated and tasteless toady is the root-knot nematode. Due to space requirements this will be discussed in the Resources section.

Flea Beatles:

Flea beetles are small, shiny black beetles that charge your potato seedlings. They chew tiny holes in the leaves, reducing plant vitality and decreasing the plant's yield.

Row covers over the seedlings is the best organic clarification to keeping these pests away from your young plants. remove when the temperatures get too hot.

Marigolds planted among your potatoes is said to deter beetles, although we haven't tried this yet (maybe this year).

Environmental Factors

Early blight / late blight; early blight cause lesions on your potatoes and late blight causes leaf spots on potato plants.

Early blight is caused by a fungus called Alternaria solani. It causes dark, sunken lesions on the potatoes that have raised purplish edges. These can be cut off before cooking and eating as they remain mostly on the covering of the spuds.

The best preventions is crop rotation and maintaining proper soil cusine (see Prepping Your Soil above).

Late blight is caused by a fungus called Phytophthora infestans. If there is a cool, rainy spell, late blight can spread rapidly, killing all your potato plants.

Late blight also affects nightshade house plants including tomatoes, which is why these two crops should not be near each other in your garden.

Late blight looks like water-soaked lesions on your potato plants lower leaves; these lesions will ultimately kill the leaves, then the plant. It can also spread to the potato, causing dry rot.

Prevention is similar to early blight. Rotate your crops and don't plant near tomatoes. Water your plants in the morning so they'll dry out as moisture is what causes this fungus to spread.

Verticillium: this is a very data heavy topic. If you want to know more about it, go to this section on our Resources page.

Scab: a very tasteless diseases in potatoes, is caused by a strep bacteria.

Scab appears mostly in potatoes that are grown in soils with a pH of greater than 5.2, and in drought conditions.

It in general affects the potato itself, and not the plant. You can't of course see any influence above the ground.

Scab doesn't influence potatoes in storage, and is safe to humans.

It shows up as a lesion, but is mostly cosmetic as these potatoes can be eaten safely by humans.

If you choose scab resistant varieties, you'll likely have few issues with scab.

Don't use manure, lime or wood ash in your garden, and keep your potatoes well-watered, especially during flowering.

And of course, all the time plant your potatoes in distinct areas for at least four years.

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