Third underground - Vitamins In Their Rightful Place

Miracle Grow Fertilizer - Third underground - Vitamins In Their Rightful Place

Good afternoon. Today, I learned all about Miracle Grow Fertilizer - Third underground - Vitamins In Their Rightful Place. Which could be very helpful if you ask me therefore you. Third underground - Vitamins In Their Rightful Place

The constant need for vitamin-rich food in your diet is an oft-told tale, and one which I shall not repeat here, since it is covered fully in other articles. Yet there are two facts about vitamins which you may not know, and which deserve to be included here. The first little-known fact about vitamins is that proteins and vitamins work together. The chemical agents called enzymes, that do the many part of the digestive work for your body, are all made of protein (at least those which have been analyzed successfully so far). Safe bet of these protein enzymes de facto take part in your body's use of its vitamins, while Safe bet vitamins sway the body's yield of protein enzymes-a sort of 'mutual aid society.' In other words, you can't expect the vitamins in your food (or the vitamin supplement you take) to give you all the benefits you expect from them, unless you also provide your body with ample quantities of protein foods each day.

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Miracle Grow Fertilizer

Nutritional science has learned that thriving vitamin therapy depends upon the nearnessy of adequate high-proteins in the diet. Some biochemists even go so far as to claim that iacin (an leading member of the vitamin B-complex group) is de facto formed from an amino acid (protein) in the first lace. Thus, you learn that your vitamin needs should always begin with a high-protein diet. Vegetables, fruits and grains should have been grown on mineral-rich soil, for it must be remembered that foods grown in mineral deficient soil may also be poor in vitamins. Even the trace minerals have a direct follow on the vitamin content of a crop. For example, plants deficient in boron will also comprise minute vitamin C. Only when the good earth is mineral-rich can it yield food plants containing all the nutrients vital to the health of the men and animals that feed on them. Much of the meat and poultry that should be a rich source of the discrete vitamins in the B-complex group, riboflavin especially, in reality comprise inadequately discrete amounts of these food elements, because the animals and fowls were fed on plants and grains which, in turn, were mineral-starved from being grown on depleted soils.

Fruits and vegetables may appear fresh and green in the market, yet be grossly lacking in vitamins, and minerals as well. Nearly half of all farm lands and truck gardens are occupied by tenant farmers who are far more interested in immediate profits than they are in improving the landlords' soil, or in sending to store foods containing all the minerals and vitamins you and I need for maximum health. Therefore, unless you grow your own fruits and vegetables on organically, non-chemically fertilized soil-or can buy them from farms and gardens containing carefully enriched soil to your Safe bet knowledge-there is every possibility you are not obtaining in your food all the vitamins and minerals needed to keep you finding and feeling young. It is easy to say 'Get your daily vitamins in your foods.' The realistic fact is that our foods just do not provide all the vitamins (and minerals) that we should have.

We are living in an atomic age. Our defense agenda is geared to high explosives, our yield lines are miracles of speed. And our food has 'gone modern' to keep pace. It is now being shot out of cannons, super-refined and shaped and coated with very appealing artificial preparations. Some of the products have been so very transformed they are hard to identify as food. The case against nutritionally poor 'refined' food-(which has very unrefined manners once it is inside your body)-is growing daily. Industrial corn meal is one case in point. By the time it reaches your kitchen, it has been largely deprived of its natural vitamin and mineral food values. It has been proved that chickens fed on such refined corn meal die in less than fifty days. When it has been robbed of its natural vitamins and minerals, food is no longer 'food' in the true sense of the word. I wish I could tell you to eat your meat, eggs, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and seed cereals with every insurance that your body would be supplied with adequate vitamins to keep it healthily youthful-and leave the branch at that. But I cannot. We who buy our food at the market, or who eat most of our meals away from home, are at the mercy of today's mineral-starved, eroded, artificially fertilized, overcultivated soilsto say nothing of all the vitamin-ignorant cooks.

For that reason, in expanding to good eating, the safest course is to supplement your Eat-and-Grow-Younger agenda with a reliably artificial vitamin-mineral concentrate. There are many good brands available.

But be sure that the vitamin-mineral method you conclude on is de facto complete. It stands to nutritional surmise that the more faultless the formula, the more you get for your money -and the great vitamin-mineral insurance you will have. A method that I personally find completely satisfactory is called Nutri-Time. You might look into it for your own use. It is ready in most health-food stores.

Should you take 'single' vitamins along with the all-inclusive formula? That depends. Suppose you have industrialized some deficiency-condition that needs immediate attention. You've seen your physician and he has advised you to take one or more single vitamins to exact that deficiency. (It might be more vitamin A for night blindness; more vitamin C for spongy, bleeding guns; more vitamin E for heart disorders, and so on.)

But the use of a single high-potency vitamin which your physician recommended is ordinarily for a given period of timethree to six months, depending on private response. After the definite deficiency has been overcome, it's no longer primary to use single vitamins in such high potency. The aim then is to take a vitamin-mineral food supplement that will claim the body's optimum intake of all vitamins to forestall some time to come deficiency. And that is where a method like Nutri-Time can be so helpful to you. You use the faultless vitamin-mineral method every day of your life as a protective food supplement.

Carefully planned meals, plus added vitamins in concentrated form, provide the only way I know of whereby you can make Safe bet that vitamins are 'adequate' in your diet. And adequate they must be, if you don't want your Eat-and-Grow-Younger agenda to bog down at the very start.

I hope you have new knowledge about Miracle Grow Fertilizer. Where you'll be able to offer easy use in your day-to-day life. And just remember, your reaction is passed about Miracle Grow Fertilizer.


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