The healing Power of Vitamin E

Miracle Grow Fertilizer - The healing Power of Vitamin E

Good morning. Yesterday, I learned all about Miracle Grow Fertilizer - The healing Power of Vitamin E. Which is very helpful for me and also you. The healing Power of Vitamin E

The newest studies on the Vitamin E have been so vast that many previously unknown facts about this remarkable vitamin are just starting to now be revealed. Studies have shown that Vitamin E is a great antioxidant and is requisite for our body's well being. Scientists have come to believe the significance of Vitamin E and the vital role it plays in protecting our wholesome cells as well as repairing the damaged ones. The antioxidants present in Vitamin E helps our bodies repair the damages that are caused by free-radical oxidants (unstable molecules that harm cells by oxidizing the fats in cell membranes.)

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Miracle Grow Fertilizer

These free radicals are not only responsible for speeding up our body's aging process, but they are also responsible for many serious diseases. With the ability of our food provide diminishing, habitancy production unhealthy food choices and the amount of toxins we take in, free radicals flourish. Even though our bodies, via our daily diet, have a built-in law that produces Vitamin E and its anti-oxidants, in most cases, this natural occurrence is not adequate to fight off all of the free radicals.

Therefore, it has become requisite for us to add Vitamin E supplements do our daily diet. But it is very difficult to find a good ability Vitamin E supplement that works just like the Vitamin E that is simply created by our bodies. The majority of Vitamin E products you will find being sold are of low quality, thus of very dinky to no value in performing the way they should.

Discovered in the year 1922, Vitamin E became abruptly favorite as a fertility improving vitamin. But most recently, studies have shown that Vitamin E is very helpful in the prevention and reversal of many conditions such as Alzheimer's, cancer, heart disease, high cholesterol, sunburn, dermatitis, etc. Vitamin E works as an antithrombin in our body which is responsible for preventing our blood from clotting. In addition, it works as an antioxidant which has the role of removing the negative effects that free radicals have upon us. I personally take Vitamin E every day as well as use it topically. It's a great moisturizer that can be used on any part of your body. It's also great in medical minor cuts. With so many remarkable benefits, Vitamin E is one of the requisite vitamins and has been proclaimed by many to be a miracle worker.

Studies have now succeeded in linking the damage caused by free radicals with degenerative diseases. Free radicals are created via natural manners within our body and are also created from the toxins in our environment such as processed foods, personal care products, household chemicals, smog, tap water, food pesticides, etc.

Antioxidants in vitamins such as E are our body's defense mechanisms against all the negative effects of free radicals. In addition to Vitamin E, there are other sources for antioxidants: Vitamin A and C, bioflavonoids, peroxidase, alpha lipoid acid, glutathione, arotenoids, proanthocyanidins and superoxide dismutase. But aside from these varied antioxidants, Vitamin E is of most interest and significance because it is oil soluble. Because of this, it is an leading aspect for the security of free radical damage to the fatty molecules in our cells.

Here are some entertaining facts about the benefits of Vitamin E:


Vitamin E helps shield the neurons from free radicals. In addition, it can also regenerate the areas on neurons where neurotransmitters enter. Vitamin E has been found to slow down the degeneration process caused by Alzheimer's by as much as 50%. The New England rehabilitation Journal says that although Vitamin E cannot cure Alzheimer's, there is no other mixture that has been found to slow down its process in the same manner in which Vitamin E can.

Heart Disease

Vitamin E can help reverse the damaging effects that free radicals have on the lining of your arteries. When plaque accumulates on the lining of the arterial walls, wholesome blood flow is diminished which contributes to heart disease. Vitamin E helps forestall the oxidation of the fats that are in these cell membranes thus preventing heart disease.

Many studies have ended that Vitamin E can reduce the risk of heart disease. Human studies with groups of 100,000 or more people, as well as studies with animals have all revealed the benefits that Vitamin E has on the heart. When Vitamin E was restricted from lab animals, they died from heart disease.


Today, over 80% of all cancers are caused by environmental factors; free radicals also play a huge role in causing and promoting those cancers. Vitamin E neutralizes free radicals and thus, has the ability to forestall cancer. Many studies conducted on humans and animals have shown that the antioxidants provided by Vitamin E are greatly helpful in the prevention of cancer.

Another study, conducted on male smokers ranging in age from 50 to 69 has shown that the risk of prostate cancer can be cut by 30% and the death risk reduced by 41% when quarterly doses of Vitamin E are taken over a period of some years.


Patients suffering from diabetes often suffer from an eye health known as diabetic retinopathy. This is a degenerative question that can lead to loss of vision. The main cause of this question is that the blood flow to the eyes becomes disrupted which causes the eyes to lose veins which then leads to blindness. But a study done in 1999 showed that Vitamin E can normalize the blood flow and thus, the question can be resolved.


Free radicals in light can damage our eyes by causing lipid peroxidation. This health can cause the lenses of the eyes to cause a blurry and cloudy vision. This health is known as cataract. The only cure for cataracts is a surgical operation which is probably one of the most tasteless surgical procedures done on senior citizens.

According to a study done in 1998, Vitamin E can forestall cataracts to a great extent. The experiment had studied volunteers who were supplemented with Vitamin E over a period of five years and the results showed that the risk of cataracts in those habitancy had declined by 75%.


Vitamin E has also been found to boost your immune system, especially with the elderly. Our immunity decreases as we grow older, therefore it is very leading to supplement our diet with Vitamin E in order to enlarge immunity. This fact has also been ended by a study conducted by Tufts University in which 88 habitancy from the age of 65 years and above were asked to take Vitamin E for four months. At the end of those four months, the immune systems of those habitancy had improved to a level equal to that of a 40 year old.

Physical Exertion

It is very leading to utter a wholesome level of Vitamin E while exercising. Exercising speeds up the metabolism of oxygen in our bodies which raises the level of free radicals by some times. This increased amount of free radicals is very harmful to our muscles. But when Vitamin E is taken prior to doing any type of strenuous exercise, the damage caused by the activity can be reduced.


Vitamin E strengthens the connecting tissues of our skin and thus, is found to be a great source for younger seeing skin. If applied to the skin regularly, Vitamin E can tighten sagging skin. As a result, it is used in just about every skin care product. However, it is far more effective when used right from the gel capsule. Vitamin E also helps to rapidly heal open, ulcerated and burn wounds and to protect those wounds from infections. Vitamin E has also been found to be very helpful in medical scars and sunburn.

Natural versus Synthetic

The question arises which brand of Vitamin E is best for you. There are many separate brands that are available. You should always pick a natural form over synthetic. Due to the differences in their molecular structure, artificial Vitamin E supplements are not very well suitable by the body. They are also not as biologically active as the natural form is.

Synthetic supplements are made of petroleum derivatives and are not as effective as their natural counterpart. This fact was also endorsed by a study conducted by The American Journal of Natural nourishment in 1998 which stated that natural Vitamin E supplements are much great than the artificial ones.

So where can you find high ability Vitamin E? I use Unique E by Ac Grace. The ability of this brand is well beyond any other brand I have seen. Vitamin E is so leading to Ac Grace that it is the only product/supplement this business creates. This brand is also used and recommended my many naturopathic and alternative health practitioners. Doctors ordinarily designate nearby 400 I.U per day per 40 pounds of body weight. However, this amount can be increased to 2400 I.U. Or 3200 I.U. Per day for habitancy with a serious illness or ultimate Vitamin E deficiency.

As always, before starting any type of supplementation program, you should consult with your naturopath and/or accomplish a mineral analysis test of your hair to conclude exact needs for your body.

I hope you have new knowledge about Miracle Grow Fertilizer. Where you'll be able to offer use in your day-to-day life. And most importantly, your reaction is passed about Miracle Grow Fertilizer.


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