Adjusting Soil pH for Optimal Grass growth

Adjusting Soil pH for Optimal Grass growth

Lawn Fertilizer - Adjusting Soil pH for Optimal Grass growth

Hello everybody. Yesterday, I discovered Lawn Fertilizer - Adjusting Soil pH for Optimal Grass growth. Which could be very helpful to me therefore you.

The pH of your lawn soil is an prominent factor that affects how your lawn grasses will grow. The pH value is an indicator that tells you whether your soil is acidic or alkaline. A balanced soil pH will ensure that your grasses are growing optimally.

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Lawn Fertilizer

First of all, you need to do a soil test to find out the pH value. You can do this in two ways. The first is to buy a do-it-yourself soil pH test kit at any nursery near you and result the instructions in case,granted by the kit. The result is not very dependable but it is adequate to give you an approximate pH value.

The other way is to let a soil test lab do the test for you. Obviously this is more expensive than the first option but the result is much more perfect and reliable. Moreover, the lab result often contains much more information about your soil and not just the pH value. A good lab narrative will also advise you the corrective performance to take if the test characterize any potential problems with your lawn.

The pH scale range from 1 to 14 with a pH of 1 being most acidic and a pH of 14 being the most alkaline. A neutral pH value is 7.0 but most lawn grass will thrive in slightly acidic soil which has a pH value of 6.5 to 7.0.

If your soil has a pH value under 6.5, it is too acidic and you have to add ground limestone to bring it back into balance. If it is over 7.5, it is alkaline and you have to add soil sulfur.

To find out how much sulfur or limestone you need to add to your soil, get a soil chart from any soil laboratory, lawn and gardening centers or cooperative prolongation offices. The scale is normally based on pounds of material to add per 1,000 quadrilateral feet. Thus it is imperative that you know the size of your lawn. If you have not done so, part your lawn's length and width with a measuring tape. Multiply the two figures to get the quadrilateral footage of your lawn.

Once you know the whole of sulfur or limestone required, use a drop spreader to apply these materials. A drop spreader is not expensive and will help your spread the materials evenly on your lawn. It can also be used to spread fertilizers. So spend in one if you have not done so.

You may have to apply sulfur or limestone on a quarterly basis in order to keep your soil pH in balance. Sometimes, applying both sulfur and limestone may be necessary. However, do practice caution when applying sulfur as too much of it can burn your lawn. Break up the sulfur application over a few parts and apply them evenly will ensure that you have a pH balanced lawn for your grasses to thrive.

I hope you will get new knowledge about Lawn Fertilizer. Where you'll be able to offer used in your day-to-day life. And most of all, your reaction is passed about Lawn Fertilizer. Read more.. Adjusting Soil pH for Optimal Grass growth.


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