Miracle Grow Fertilizer - 5 Steps to Channel Your Abundant power Right Now
Hi friends. Now, I learned all about Miracle Grow Fertilizer - 5 Steps to Channel Your Abundant power Right Now. Which could be very helpful in my experience therefore you. 5 Steps to Channel Your Abundant power Right Now1. Add a quiet occasion of silence twice a day. It is prominent for one to
become still, quiet the mind and feel an inner calm of silence.
It is in this place where creativity resides and limitless potentiality is
born. Accept the divinity that is within you and spend time quietly
receiving all the answers that you will ever need. "Be still and know
that I am God," - Psalm 46:10.
Miracle Grow Fertilizer
2. Catch yourself being judgmental. "Today I will judge nothing that
occurs," - A policy in Miracles. Tell yourself periodically throughout
the day, "For the next hour I will not judge anything." Judgment
resides in the Ego, which does not serve us in any way. As we judge
anything, the Ego is easy asserting that we are somehow "better"
than the situation we are observing. The easy act of judging is
rooted in pain or inadequacy with self. Focus on your divine
connection to everything. If you attract man or something that
could use your help, "Be the convert that you want to see in the
world," - Mahatma Gandhi.
3. Custom giving daily. One of the world's best teachers on healthy
abundance, Deepak Chopra wrote, "In our willingness to give that
which we seek, we keep the plenty of the Universe circulating in
our lives." There are many ways to give daily from a loving place.
Remember...never give begrudgingly because that will serve no one,
especially not you. Identify that every association is one of give
and take. Giving engages receiving and vice versa. If you stop the
flow of either, you simply stop the flow of universal energy from
circulating in your own life. Giving or tithing does not have to be
huge, it's as easy as bringing a small gift to every person that you
encounter, i.e., a singular flower, a compliment, laughter or even a
prayer. Come to be a loving source of joy circulating in the lives of others
and the joy that returns to you will be unimaginable. Also, allow
yourself to receive from others, to growth the flow in their lives too.
4. Custom acceptance and accept responsibility. Stop wasting energy
today seeking to operate others or needing their approval. This
behavior is again driven by the Ego. energy is held together by love.
When your actions are motivated by love for yourself and others,
energy will multiply and accumulate. When it is freed up, energy can
be redirected to create the safe bet changes you want in your life.
Accept people, situations and circumstances as they are. Know that
every occasion is as it should be...a culmination of all your past
experiences. When you "struggle against The Now," you are
struggling against the whole Universe. Any problems that you
perceive in the moment, is a 'seed of opportunity' to create something
beautiful and your torment will Come to be your teacher. Every situation
has a underground message which is serving your evolution. Whatever
situation that you attract, is positively what you need.
5. Make an unshakeable serenity. When you let go of the past and
focus on the present, your future is boundless. Using negative past
experiences as unblemished reference for The Now, becomes fertile
ground for 'seeds of fear' to grow. More than 90% of perceived
obstacles are imagined and rooted in negative past experiences.
Establish your goals and intentions and remain committed to them
with intense passion, no matter the fear. Eleanor Roosevelt once said,
"Do one thing every day that scares you." Stop visualizing your
desires through the 'eyes of the world,' nor be influenced by opinions
and negative criticism. Keep your desires to yourself, unless you are
closely bonded and fully supported by man else. Relinquish
attachment to the outcome and let the Universe orchestrate the details.
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