Soar With Eagles

Miracle Grow Fertilizer - Soar With Eagles

Hi friends. Now, I learned about Miracle Grow Fertilizer - Soar With Eagles. Which is very helpful in my opinion therefore you. Soar With Eagles

There is a saying "To turn your life, all you have to do is turn your mind," It's unfortunate, but either you perceive it or not, we have been conditioned since our school days to fail, some population might say that's not so, well Government surveys prove this statement, it is a fact that at withdrawal 67% of the population cannot provide for their own needs, and only 1 or 2 % are independently wealthy.

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Miracle Grow Fertilizer

So it should be assumed that to turn the way we think will be an uphill battle. It may be said that the following as single items may not turn your life completely,

o Talent may not
o Ambition may not
o Genius may not
o Education may not

There is only one-way to turn all that you are and the word's that cover all of the contingencies are,

o Persistence and Determination

When you start on this journey it should be thought about a great adventure, because if you are careful while the next seven days you will study a great deal about yourself and how the world has tried to catalog you and deposit you into a pigeon hole.

Commencing a journey of this magnitude you will need to make out a very detailed plan, it maybe advantageous to divide it into 7 days or even 14 half days. You conclude anything makes you feel comfortable. Any way you must remember that this is only the start of the journey on the road to change.

The first day you should write down all of the negative feeling you have and alongside them, make notes as to why you feel that way. You should remove from your vocabulary words such as "I can't" and any other negative saying's.

A good saying to remember is

o It doesn't take courage to be a dreamer, But! It does take courage to turn dreams into reality.

Give each day a task sheet and record on their, goals that you wish to achieve. Remember that we are all a sum total of our thoughts, that's unquestionably all we are.

A great many population may read or listen to determined reasoning material, population some how think there is a magic in this, but the one truth that you must understand as you launch this journey is that the magic to turn your life exists already within your heart. The presume for saying this is simple, you would not have commenced this journey were that not a true statement.

The words of any determined reasoning books and Dvd's are meant to open up a person's mind, so... We must take the words that we read or listen to, spiritually and emotionally into our hearts and when we add to that, the impel of the human spirit, this will enable us to soar with eagles.

For this to happen, as I stated at the beginning, you must understand that we have been conditioned to fail, for us to turn this believe is going to take more than a merge of weeks or even months. When population perceive this they tend to quit, and sometimes that is understandable, given all the negative feed back that we are feed everyday by well meaning friends, family, population we work with or just population that we meet, can you see why you fail.

One more truth that you must come to understand is it's not your fault, that you may have failed so far in your life's journey; remember you have been conditioned to fail. I cannot say this enough, unfortunately it is the one truth that you must acknowledge, and if you are to succeed you must then remove this forever from your mind.

This journey of turn will sometimes take great courage, think of the journey as a ship loaded with products, does the ship when loaded stay in the harbor, the rejoinder off policy is no, it is given a destination that it must sail to. When the captain sets sail does he know what weather he will meet on the journey, again the rejoinder is off policy not, yet he has to trip the seas to get to his destination.

So... Think of yourself as the ship, you may face rough seas, rain and high winds, but this adversity will not be there everyday, you will also have calm days when the seas are gentle and the winds are light and warm. This is the same as your and everyone's life, each and every person must face this type of adversity, remember the strongest tree's grow on the windy side of the hill.

This negative feedback that you may be given as I have stated commonly comes from those closest to you, your family members, or perhaps even your closest friend. But if they do give you this type of feed back, be happy because it means that you are changing, like a preferable caterpillar to a butterfly. These population don't mean any harm; it's just that they too have been conditioned to stay within their relieve zone. Remember it's safe to do the commonly unchallenging things in life.

The storm of resistance will only last for a short while, so if you can weather it out, all will turn out for the good. This power house that exists within us all is just below the surface. Did you know that 95% of all population do not believe in the power of one, or self?

We have been taught from childhood to believe that we are slaves to an unyielding society. That's why it's prominent when you read this text or like books or listen to Dvd's, you must allow the stories and determined affirmations to study to your soul, that is because you have within yourself the potential to exalt above the norm.

A great many population may think that all this determined reasoning started with books like "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, but this type of teaching has been nearby for hundred's of years, in the old Testament it states "As a man thinks, so shall he be," Would it surprise you to perceive that William Shakespeare wrote the following,

o This above all: to thine own self be true, and then it must unquestionably follow:

as the night succeed the day, thou canst then be false unto no man.

That was written nearby 1550. What he is saying is be true to your believes and dreams and don't quit. Our Heavenly Father, decided the best way to help us become the best that we can be, was to have us work and crusade for our talents and dreams. It seems that if a person is given something, it tens to lose its value, but when you fight to secure anything it is you want, then it has meaning. I call this "The Refining Fire, "This crusade for who we are, and the talents that we possess can take a week to a life time.


Adversity is like a summer storm,

We are witnesses to the power of nature

with its rain, thunder and lighting!

But after the storm the clouds are moved

aside by an unseen hand

And the sun begins to shine.

A rainbow appears in the length sky

and gives a promise,

Of the good things that are yet to come.

For does not rain bring forth new life!

So, it is with adversity,

A negative force that seeming beats

unmercifully upon us,

Yet this force can be our greatest friend.

Don't turn away from it, but embrace it

and show no fear.

For as we overcome this force in our lives,

So it is that we become stronger!

If we do this with real intent in our heart,

We will be given the keys that will open

the door to our real self.

We must pass straight through our Heavenly Father's

refining fire,

So that our eye's may be opened

To the silver of our heart and the gold of our soul.

For from this our new life will spring.

Is there know other way, you may ask?

No! After we have been refined in furnace of our

Heavenly Father's Love, so it is then!

That we might understand the worth of

our soul in his eye's.

There is no set time, but as we trip along this road of self discovery, be very attentive and you will grow in so many ways and most importantly, you will study an inner impel that will stay with you all you life.

The next stage in your journey is to start to keep a journal to record the changes in your life. This can be done on a daily or weekly basis. Just record what you.... Believe to be prominent things or changes in your life. either you record failures or success, these will give you the impel and the potential to handle anything life hands you. These changes if you are faithful... Will come, and you may be surprised at have fast they occur...

The key to growth for many people, as I have stated may be the reading of self help books or listening to Dvd's. But reading or listening alone will not enhance anyone's lot in life. You must internalize that which has been written or recorded, both emotionally and spiritually and then act upon those convictions.

To illustrate this point lets look at the following:

o You have a great love for gardening; first you would clear the lot and then cultivate the soil. Next, water the area where you intent to plant your crop. The final racking and you are now ready to plant your seeds. The seeds are planted as per the instructions, each and every day you water the new seeds, remove the weeds and take care of your garden. Given time and love you will reap a bountiful harvest.

o Question: if you would take such great care of your garden, why would you not take the same care of the orchad within your mind? The mind dictates life's circumstance, you are not a victim of society, unless you wish to be, but you are end goods of your mind. It will reflect the same. Therefore feed it and water it with determined thoughts and actions. Give it things of attractiveness and you will grow and bloom like your garden.

A great many population do not understand the following. "Nothing exists in our world that humankind made, that was not first an impulse of thought." This saying is attributed to Thomas Edison.

Therefore it must follow, that the mind dictates your and my life circumstances. As long as we live in a free community we are not victims of that society. But we are an end goods of our thoughts.

Life's Traveler

As you think and trip straight through life,
You will gain experiences.
These will make you what you are, and what you will become.
You are today, where your thoughts have brought you.
Where you will be tomorrow is where your thoughts will take you.

You cannot escape the results of your thoughts,
You will move towards that, which you think,
Dream or envision, either beautiful or base.
Your reflection that you and other see,
Comes from the results of your thoughts
Whatever your gift circumstances maybe,
You will rise or fall on the sum total of your thoughts.

We need to not only understand the concept, that what we feed our minds, so will we become, but we need to be responsible to that concept. If you feed your mind alcohol in excess and drugs, your life's condition will reflect that image. Therefore you need to feed it determined affirmations and things of beauty, and again your mind will then instruct your body to reflect the same.

The three and half pounds that we call a brain is the greatest governing body within the human kingdom. Nothing as yet has risen to take its place. The mind then will dictate the terms under which you and I live. There's an expression

o Why walk with turkeys when you can soar with Eagles.

Hence the name of this text

o Soar with Eagles.

Let me give a added illustration, it all started with an egg:

A farmer found an egg on the side of the road, well he had quite a few chickens, so he took the egg home and settled it in the nest box of a hen. The hen approved the egg and after a while it hatched, she cared for it, although it didn't look like the other chicks. When it was fully grown a man called on the farmer and seeing at the hens he informed the farmer that the big bird was in fact an eagle. The man said that he would prove it to the farmer, so he settled the eagle on the roof top and said fly, it didn't. He apologized to the farmer and left, the farmer view about this strange seeing chicken and decided that he would take to the next valley where eagles and hawks fly. He settled the eagle in a tree and waited, soon a large eagle came down and sat on the next branch, and then it started to cry to the bird, it returned the cried and suddenly they both flew away.

The moral behind the story is this, when you mix with the chickens and turkeys in society, how can fly with Eagles.

As I have stated you have embarked upon a new journey, you are removing the egg shell that has kept you within your relieve zone, so expect discouragement.

What you are searching for in this text or like books can only show you the way, it cannot do the work that is required. There are many words that tell the way to achieve your goals.

The power that lies within each of use goes by many names. I call it "that something" or you might call it "The magic that is you". As you learn to be careful in your search, so it is that your life will open up new roads for you to study and it will be "that something" that will give the power to succeed.

As you trip along this new road, road blocks will spring up. If they do.... Then that's a good sign, it means that you are emerging from your relieve zone. Remember you would not have chosen this new pathway unless you have the capabilities to over come the obstacles that are before you. This way of reasoning was stated by Ralph Waldo Emerson

o If a person has a desire in their heart then the achievement

Of that desire is within the constitution of the person that

feels that desire. In other word you would not have the

desire were you not capable of bringing that desire to reality.

Ralph Waldo Emerson
There are two great lessons that you will also learn on this road to discovery. One is called
o Self Mastery and the other is Persistence.
I have probably blown a few fuses at the early stage. You probably view that there was some magic pill, an easy way to achieve your goals. But as I have stated and will state many times the magic to achieve your dreams, lies within you, all you have to do is tap that magic and I guaranty that it will come alive. This magic that is you will take to the stars, just have faith and believe in yourself

I enjoy writing poems, some times the words to illustrate something come easier and also they may be easier to understand what a person is trying to say. I wrote "Yourself," because it explains in straightforward terms, what we must try to achieve on this journey that we have undertaken;


A sense of direction and purpose needs to be instilled in
Our hearts as we rush along Life's highway.
Where is it we are going,
We need to take time to reflect on the road
that we have chosen to travel.
This reflection is the key to self-discovery.
The art of living life to its fullest is to be a peace
with oneself and all humankind.
We must learn how to be still and silent, then we can begin
the crusade for that spiritual tranquility

that lies within our soul.
Life will teach us much if we are attentive,
When we have obtained this rest and peace within our heart.
If we have learnt it well!
Our Heavenly Father may call us to help others along life's highway.
Watch thought about all people, for you may consideration how
a great many population live, hoping and praying for
a good tomorrow, whilst they have forgotten to live for today!
Learn this episode well, today was given for all to use
with care and thought. For it is a great gift,
but once used, it can never be retrieved.
It has passed forever from our grasp, much
like the fine sand that slipped straight through our fingers
when we played on the beach as a child.
Be gracious with your neighbor for we are all children
Of a loving heavenly Father.
Keep peace in your soul as you mix with all humanity,
Be a good listener for all population have their story.
If you listen with a pure heart who knows what you may learn.
Do not judge, just be a friend, live each day with care
and share with all the greatest gift that you have

If you have come this far in reading, it must mean that you are committed to taking this journey and casting off the relieve zone egg shell that has protected you thus far in your life's journey.

There are two points that I would like to discuss, the first point that I would like to mention and reinforce as you move along the road on this journey of self discovery is that your life if lived to its fullest will reflect "A great adventure story." The other is the secrets of living a victorious life can be written on a single sheet of paper. It is when we become pompous and arrogant, and show our ignorance by trying to rewrite the basic law of life, that's when it takes on unneeded burdens.

In walking along the roads that criss cross our paths in life, we should always be searching for those things that give us happiness. We should understand that there are many things in life that are free. Commonly we fail to identify them because of our daily run of the race, with all its hustle and bustle.

There are a great many things that we are blessed with, and which we seem to take for granted. perhaps it's a child's laughter, a hug or touch from a loved one, or maybe just to pat oneself on the back when we truly deserve it. It is these free gifts that help us fulfill our true potential to be the best that we are meant to be.

It maybe at this stage in your journey that your family and friends have noticed that you are committed to achieving your goals and seeing your dreams become a reality. Your self confidence and your talents will give you impel to reach for the sky. We should never place limits on our imagination and dreams, for these are the things that give our hearts and minds freedom, to soar beyond the boundaries of the world we live in. These gifts are free. There is no charge or tax and we will never be billed later for taking benefit of them.

Let's look at who we unquestionably are, and then reflect upon what you may, if you think deep sufficient about it, consider to be the greatest miracle! So, let me ask you. "What would you discontinue is the greatest miracle?" To me the rejoinder is quite simple. It is the view and forming of a child within a mom womb.

At view one cell, at birth some hundred's of millions of cells, each cell with a specific job to do. At birth, we weigh in at between four to ten pounds. We are naked, either boy or girl and wholly helpless, we cannot walk, talk or communicate, except maybe cry when we are hunger or need our diaper changed. From the first breath each of us embarks upon an staggering journey, which will be known as our life story.

It is the physical, emotional and spiritual growth that occurs within humanity, as we launch this journey that will make us all different. This similarity that at birth was a constant now drifts into the sunset. What arises at sunrise, this is where the dramatic changes start, and this growth continues from birth until death.

You might add that it was different for me, my mom didn't like me, and my Dad beat me. Doesn't matter you still are who you are and you can become anything it is that you wish to become. Nothing can stand in the way of the human spirit.

Let's take an greatest example, you are born, you can see, hear and talk and run nearby just like many young children, Any way at about three years old you are kidnapped by Aliens. You go to a far off planet. You cannot talk, you cannot see, you cannot hear. You can feel population touch you, but that's as far as it goes. What would you do? You feel others put food in your hands or water, so you can eat and drink.

One day person holds your hand and leads you away from the crowds that were always touching you. This person that was settled in this predicament was Helen Keller; the person who led her away from the crowd was Annie Sullivan. She never was able to hear or see, but she did learn to identify objects and she did learn to speak.

She spoke before the United Nations in New York. How many of the same ailments have you and me. Probably not one, yet we complain that we are victims to an unyielding society.

Helen Keller is an greatest example of being handicapped, and also an greatest example of the power of the human spirit. "That something" that lies beneath the covering is the most powerful spiritual force that is in the world today. If you could bottle it and sell it you would the richest person in the world. You may not be able to bottle it, but you can learn to use it within the confines of your own life.

You and I has been given in discrete amount a most costly substance, and we have been given it in trust, we can use it or abuse it, You may ask what is this substance, why it's "Time" we as individuals can waste this gift. Remember you do not know how much time you have to spend in mortality. Time should be spent developing the human spirit, and searching for and developing your talents so that you may grow into the person that you want to become.

You are unique; to prove how unique you are, let's put it to the test. Hold up and look at your thumb, it has a print; the Fbi has proven that no two prints are alike. Yet look at the world five billion population and only you have your determined thumb print. You are a unique individual, never before and never again will person with your talents and single personality traits ever come into the world.

Therefore why do you not believe that there is something extra for you to do in this world? What is the greatest episode that you can teach, "Why it's to love?" The whole world right now is crying out for person to once again teach the world how to love. People, who learn to love, laugh longer, live longer and smile easier, and commonly have a fantastic balanced personality. If your only gift to the world is to teach you children how to love, what greater gift can you leave?


As children of God the Eternal Father,
We are given in discrete amounts the greatest of gifts;
We are told "to all there is a season,
A time to every purpose under heaven".
We may squander this..... The most costly of all gifts,
Or we may spend in our future. This is our choice.
In the calendar of life, there are two days over
Which we have no control;
These are the two days over which we should not worry.
And which should be kept free from remorse,
Fear and apprehension.
One is yesterday; it is history, with all of its joys and faults.
We cannot undo one single act or thought.
The other day, is tomorrow, it is as yet a mystery,
It may hold great promise or unheard of burdens,
But it will come, the sun will rise..........
Whether in the attractiveness of a glorious sunrise,
Or behind a dark and cloudy sky.
Tomorrow is yet unborn.
Remorse for something we did yesterday or
The fear of tomorrow,
These are two eternities that place within our minds
Untold misery, fear and remorse.
Look nearby and you will consideration how a great many people
Pray for a good tomorrow when they have forgotten
That they need to live for today!
Today is a great gift that's why it is called.
"The Present"

The contents of this text should remind us that we are only bound by the restrictions we place upon ourselves. If you have been careful in writing down your dreams, then each and everyday you have read them quietly to yourself, that is part of the exercise, that way the words or dreams that you have written down become second nature and you mind, just begins to accept them as fact. Let me reinforce one very prominent point, never share your dreams and visions with anyone, except maybe you wife or husband.

There is a very good presume for this, they may take away some of your thunder, remember Peter Pan, he told Wendy and her brothers, you can only fly when you have good thoughts in your mind, your dreams and visions are you good thoughts. When you are playing poker they say keep the cards close to your chest, do the same with your dreams and visions.

As time passes if you are faithful, you will start to see the benefits that you have brought about in your life and sometimes in other peoples lives, I write texts like to this to try to inspire all who read and work at changing there lives, its not easy, but I can promise you as you sense an awakening, you learn to laugh, to love, to trust, to hope and dream and at some point you will stand up and cheer and yell with all your heart. Remember its you and hopefully your believe in Heavenly Father that has brought about this change.

If you have read thus far, you will have learn I hope, that when you crusade diligently and with full purpose of heart you can find the underground talents and you can found the many abilities that you possess. person may ask how did you achieve your dreams, you maybe able to share with them, the actions that you took, and also tell them, that you learn one great underground and that is, if you try to achieve their dreams in a half hearted manner then they are not only lying to themselves but they are also cheating themselves.

All of the reading and writing of your dreams are like the seeds that you plant in your garden; only the orchad we are now talking about is the orchad of the mind. This three to three and half pounds of muscle allows us to function in this mortal existence. It is said by science to comprise between twenty to thirty billion cells, each cell can assimilate one million bytes of data per second. I am sure that you will agree it makes a computer look like a cheap calculator in compassion.

Remember I said treat your mind like a orchad and only plant good seeds in this fertile part of the human anatomy. I hope that after reading this you will have come to one conclusion, you have to love yourself, and that is the greatest truth of all time.

I hope you have new knowledge about Miracle Grow Fertilizer. Where you may offer used in your everyday life. And above all, your reaction is passed about Miracle Grow Fertilizer.


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