Miracle Grow Fertilizer - Play it Like Pollyanna!
Good evening. Yesterday, I learned about Miracle Grow Fertilizer - Play it Like Pollyanna!. Which could be very helpful in my experience so you. Play it Like Pollyanna!Pollyanna played the Glad Game and transformed an entire town. We use her name as an insult for someone who is overly optimistic, naive and unrealistic, but she is a great role model. She shows us the power of choosing our attitudes.
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Pollyanna chose to look at what was good and helped goodness grow. Pollyanna was courageous. She walked right into the home of the meanest lady in town and invited her back into life. Her Glad Game became contagious. By her very way of being, Pollyanna allowed citizen to move from isolation to connection, from continuing grumpiness to happiness, from selfishness to generosity and from misery to pleasure. She helped her town recognize shared goals and meaningful community. And when Pollyanna had a tragic emergency and lost her way of heart, the town she had awakened gathered colse to her with loving support.
When has cynicism and hard nosed realism ever fulfilled, all of that?
In her Glad Game, Pollyanna was practicing gratitude.
Gratitude is one of the simplest and most profound tools I know. choosing gratitude has helped me transform my most absorbing times, saving crummy days, shift my mood in minutes and attract miracles.
Gratitude is at the heart of spiritual traditions worldwide and is one of the most useful of all attitudes. When you are focused on gratitude your great body commerce medical brain chemicals as your own excellent medicine. By simply hanging out in feelings of gratitude, you originate an inner environment of condition and well-being. This medical radiates beyond your skin into the world, rippling out to grace others and drawing goodness of all kinds back to you.
Gratitude is effective, it's easy and it feels great!
Play it like Pollyanna with these three practices and begin discovering what gratitude will do for you.
1. Play the Glad Game
How does your life feel when you play Pollyanna's game, bringing your attention to what you are glad about rather than what annoys you?
My freshman year in college, I had a good friend who hated the Oregon rain. On her first visit to my parents' farm she felt a major attitude shift, "Here the rain makes sense! Here in the midst of all this lush greenness, I see the rain falling on the forests and the fields and it feels beautiful and prominent and as a matter of fact right!" Her connection to rain shifted. Back in the urban dorm she could pick to focus her thoughts on the rain's blessings for the Earth, rather her sense of irritation and personal inconvenience. Finding a way to feel glad about the rain helped her have a happier college experience.
2. Keep a Gratitude Journal
How can something so simple as writing down your gratitudes make a huge disagreement in your life? It must be magic!
Four years ago I was in my toughest time ever, deep in the midst of titanic and absorbing changes. My daily gratitude journal helped me stay associated to my sense of Source and well-being and helped me find the inner and outer tools I needed.
Gratitude journaling works! Over and over I've seen this simple custom help friends and coaching clients. University investigate validates the obvious effects of gratitude journaling on health, happiness and relationships.
Experience the magic of a gratitude journal for yourself. Write for just few minutes a day and you will focus your energy, open to the goodness that is all the time colse to you, dispel grumpiness, attract miracles, improve your immune theory and enjoy happier relationships.
3. Cultivate Bedtime and Wake-up Gratitude
As you fall asleep and awaken, your subconscious mind is a fertile orchad ready to receive the seeds you wish to plant. What good to plant than the medical seeds of gratitude?
Settling into sleep, bring into your mind all that you are grateful for and the things, small and large, that went well during the day.
As you awaken, bring into your awareness what you love, what makes you happy and what you are thankful for: This soft bed, this home colse to me, this breath, this life, this new day...
Depending on your spiritual beliefs, perhaps these bedtime and wake up practices come to be prayers of thankfulness.
If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough. ~Meister Eckhard.
Although we make fun of her optimism, Pollyanna hasn't gone away. She appeared in 1913 in a book, a silent movie in 1920, the Disney superior in 1960 and a variety of film and Tv versions in Britain, Japan, Brazil and Turkey.
The world needs her story.
The next time someone calls you a Pollyanna, take it as a compliment and keep Finding ways to transform your life, your family, your society and our Earth community, with gratitude.
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