Miracle - Heating & Air Conditioning Scam Alert - Read This Now!
Hi friends. Today, I discovered Miracle - Heating & Air Conditioning Scam Alert - Read This Now!. Which may be very helpful for me and you. Heating & Air Conditioning Scam Alert - Read This Now!As a homeowner myself and a professional Home Inspector in the Dallas Fort Worth are for years I just had to tell somebody about some of these ideas that clubs are trying to get us to believe. I hope this helps understand some of these issues.
What I said. It is not the final outcome that the actual about Miracle. You read this article for information on that wish to know is Miracle.Miracle
Homeowners there are verily hundreds of products and devices being promoted daily in the Hvac manufactures that claim to cut energy or increase the capacity of Ac systems by huge percentages. Do not come to be other victim of dishonest contractors and ideas that offer to good to be true results. Listed below are some of the most beloved items going nearby in the business today.
1. Refrigerant and Oil Additives- The claims being made by installing these into your Ac law say you will see imaginable energy savings in the 20 percent range! These additives have been nearby for a long time. There have been hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars spent in trying to prove these claims by explore laboratories. Many of the results from these tests indicate no convert in law capacity or performance. If there are 20 division points to be gained in energy efficiency then the top equipment manufactures will be doing all the promoting and selling not small independent contractors selling these miracle additives. Homeowners also need to be aware of the impact on the warranty of your Ac systems. Most all of the major manufactures do not suggest whatever in a refrigerant law other than the permissible refrigerant and the factory recommended oils.
2. Refrigerant supervision Devices-These add on devices are advertised with sufficient "Tech-No-Babble" that would even confuse a Nasa scientist. The idea is that these devices re-align the refrigerant molecules into a rotating flow mass to cut laminar flow and friction losses throughout the refrigerant piping on the liquid side of the systems. Again there have been thousands of dollars and many hours spent by testing laboratories to verify these claims and how much they could cut your energy consumption or increase the cooling capacity of an Ac system. The results are not conclusive in determining that these devices can in fact heighten efficiency or capacity of a system. Any under performing Ac law will seem to operate better after installing one of these devices if it is not up to design conditions in the first place. The first thing that should be done is to verify the doing of an existing law and make sure that all heat exchange surfaces are clean, the permissible refrigerant payment is in the system, the refrigerant is not oil logged already and there is design air flow over both the evaporator and condenser. When these items are done and in place you will see that other add-on devices are not be needed to achieve the design capacity and doing of the system.
3. Motor Mizers, Harmonic Filters, and Electrical law Stabilizers - I like to refer to them as "Little Black Boxes with Wires". These are high on my list because they are one of the most coarse products I have seen out there and unfortunately for many they are even being sold! These devices will gain you as advertised by some clubs 26-34 division points in energy reduction! I have talked with many electrical engineers about these devices and they cannot cut the Kw of your law by 26-34 percent period! Again if these types of devices verily produced the savings that are claimed then the utility clubs would be promoting these ideas and technology and installing them at no payment to the buyer to help cut the demand on the utility grid.
4. High Efficiency Air Filters- I will no doubt catch a lot of grief about this one but I am used to it. I will start out to say here that having good clean air filters is a must for any Ac law and for any homeowner. You have to understand a slight bit about electrical energy and motors not to be tricked by this beloved formula contractors use to get into your back pocket. A dirty air filter in your Ac furnace will consume less fan energy than a clean one! Now you can re-read this again and it says that; a dirty air filter in your Ac furnace will consume less fan energy than a clean one! This is not a typo it says exactly what I wanted it to say. The next time when you need to
change a very dirty air filter in your furnace achieve this easy test. Borrow a meter that can quantum the amperage of the fan motor. If you do not have one or get a friend who is an electrician and take the amperage reading on the fan motor before you convert the filter. Be sure and take the reading with the fan compartment door in place like normal operation. Take a few readings and narrative them over a five slight time period. If you are taking these readings in the summer be sure to let the unit run for a few minutes while taking the readings to get a fairly definite and garage reading. Now convert the filter(s) and take the readings again for the same whole of time and with the fan compartment door in place. You will find that the fan energy or Kw increased by some amount. Depending on exactly how dirty the filters were before changing them out will determine how much convert in amperage or Kw you will notice. What you may notice after changing the filters out is that the home feels more comfortable and the Ac law may run less to keep the home cool. This is where the energy savings show up if there going to be any at all. The increase in air flow over the evaporator coil because of the new filters will increase the fan energy or Kw, but the widespread whole of time the unit runs may be reduced resulting in energy savings. This needs to be understood very clearly because there are a lot of contractors out there selling very expensive and sophisticated air filtering systems guaranteed to save you a lot of money. In my concept the best air filter for the money are the pleated type filters in the one, two, or four inch thickness that are changed frequently. Make sure that the filter compartment is air tight and that the filters fit well in the filter rack or frame and do not allow air to bypass the filter. You cannot go wrong with quarterly filter replacements and using good pleated filters. Now there is one other thing to know about air filters that is very confusing to homeowners and that is that air filters have an efficiency rating. The ability of a given air filter to remove particulate matter from the air stream is rated in efficiency by how much of the airborne particulate matter it catches by passing straight through the filter once. This efficiency is not to be confused with electrical efficiency or energy reduction.
5. Magnets- I guess as long as I am alive there will be man or something that will come along every once in awhile who will make an imaginable claim about magnets. In the Hvac manufactures I have seen magnetic devices promoted to treat water that is used in very large market and market systems instead of the customary methods of using good science and chemistry techniques to treat water. In the residential sector magnets have been advertised to save you 20-25 percent in your gas energy bill by using them on your gas piping serving your gas appliances such as your heating furnace. By plainly strapping these magnets on your iron gas piping they supposedly re-align and straighten the gas molecules in the stream of gas flowing to you your furnace before the gas reaches the burner section. Again this is just one of many devices and products being pushed on homeowners who have not been informed as to what is happening out there today. You may want to talk with your local gas utility victualer as well on this one.
6. High Efficiency Capacitors- There are some contractors out there today who are selling unknowing homeowners new capacitors for their ac units because they are telling them the capacitors are out of the normal range or value for a capacitor. Do not fall for this gimmick. A capacitor is basically whether good or bad and no in in the middle of condition. A capacitor will have a distinct reading in micro-farads based on if the capacitor is hot or cold. A warm capacitor that has been in doing will read differently than a cold one out of the box. Do not let a aid technician fool you with this trick. If a capacitor fails whether the fan(s) or compressor will not start. A bad capacitor is a valid surmise for replacing a capacitor. But capacitors will not heighten the efficiency of you're A/C law by any critical whole that you can quantum or will see in a lower electric bill.
I hope you get new knowledge about Miracle. Where you'll be able to put to use in your day-to-day life. And most importantly, your reaction is passed about Miracle.
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