Miracle Grow - Anti Aging Skin Care - Show Me (Real) Results!
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Sadly, our vanity plays into this type of marketing hype and we keep buying and trying the newest flavor of the month. Why? Because of the hope that one of these miracle creams will genuinely fulfill such a promise.
Most anti aging skin care products, either purchased from the shelves of a pharmacy, a high-end cosmetic counter, or from the internet or late night shopping channels, all make similar and outrageous claims but furnish dinky results. But we keep trying and buying, with high hopes of a more juvenile complexion.
The good news is that, yes, there are anti aging skin care products available which can furnish a more juvenile appearance.
Here is a Little-Known Fact:
Few skin care brands include ingredients that will genuinely furnish results. Why is that? A host of reasons, really, but primarily the most sufficient ingredients are often expensive. And if these expensive ingredients are incorporated into the stock it may be in very small, ineffectual quantities, done more for label selling purposes.
Additionally, research is not typically a component of a well known company; a brand name often will simply covenant a lotions and potions constructor to create their product. Hence, the exertion and money spent goes more into the packaging, marketing and retail shelf placement of anti aging skin care products.
All About Ingredients
Recent research has produced some incredibly sufficient and safe ingredients; those clubs performing their own clinical trials often are ahead of the pack in terms of sufficient anti aging skin care products.
For example, this one ingredient (researched, industrialized and owned by a conspiratorially held skin care and nutritional company) has proven quite sufficient in reversing tired, aged skin and preventing further damage:
CynergyTk Tm- This ingredient contains a natural protein (Keratin) extracted from the wool of New Zealand sheep. (Sheared wool) Keratin is simply found throughout the body, which has an prominent structural role in the skin.
The potential to turn natural keratin into a form that is readily-available to the skin is a modern breakthrough. Moreover, with most skincare products, the keratin has been de-naturalized through an market process called hydrolyzation. This involves applying high temperatures and acid to animal by-products such as hooves, horns and feathers. (Not on my face!)
Benefit #1: Stimulates collagen and elastin to grow. As collagen and elastin levels increase, wrinkles will slowly disappear; skin will gain a juvenile glow.
Benefit #2: sufficient in regenerating new tissue. Contains zinc protein complexes, in low concentrations, which are useful for both the mend and maintenance of the skin. Results supply discount of fine lines and depth of wrinkles.
Benefit #3: Promotes firmness and elasticity. These singular proteins have a significant, rapid and long-term follow on the skin's firmness by expanding elasticity and moisture retention; they drill deeply into the skin, supporting the skin's natural protein structure.
Again, this is but one ingredient industrialized by one company. The point is, with clinical research and development, a very costly process, sufficient and safe anti aging skin care products are being produced, just not en masse.
Brace Yourself Against the Hype
Beautiful celebrities, fancy packing, in-your-face advertisements and commercials are designed to sell to our emotional needs to encourage an impulse purchase.
Before manufacture such a purchase, consumers would be wise to view anti aging skin care products objectively...focusing more on what that they are composed of and not who and how they are being marketed. Maybe do a dinky research before reaching for the credit card.
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