Miracle Grow Fertilizer - Pastor - You've Planted Good Seed - Here's How to Tell Which Will Sprout and Which Will NotHi friends. Now, I discovered Miracle Grow Fertilizer - Pastor - You've Planted Good Seed - Here's How to Tell Which Will Sprout and Which Will Not. Which could be very helpful if you ask me therefore you. |
How many times have you read about how the Pharisees and scribes attended the group meetings where Jesus taught and the Bible indicates that they did not understand his words? They attacked every word, concept, idea, parable and teaching that he delivered. How could these Bible experts not get it when it came to insight the simple, yet profound teachings of a man who never attended their schools nor had the opportunities they did to devour wisdom and truth? Do you have habitancy in your congregation who assault you or your words and have small insight of their meaning? What I said. It shouldn't be the conclusion that the true about Miracle Grow Fertilizer. You see this article for facts about anyone wish to know is Miracle Grow Fertilizer.Miracle Grow FertilizerJesus never promised that only those with a college degree would be able to understand the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. He indubitably described a recipe for receiving the wisdom and knowledge of the Bible found in Luke 8: 8-18. But it's like most everything else. Where there's a way and blessing for us to receive from God, the devil comes along and interferes by providing a stumbling block to trick and deceive those who would receive this wisdom, but in essence, it was stolen and they didn't even identify it was missing. When Jesus spoke to the multitudes in parables, often later his disciples would ask him to account for what he indubitably said. But Jesus told them, the mysteries of God are indubitably granted to you to know the meaning and to understand. The parables are spoken to the crowds who will hear the words, but will not understand.. Was Jesus being mean, not giving the crowds freedom to understand these things? No, he explained exactly how to understand the mysteries of the Bible in his illustration of the parable of the sower. We all know that God made seed so we can plant it and when watered and fertilized it will grow into a plant, flower, tree or vegetable. But if you've ever planted a garden, you know that just because you put seed down does not guarantee that it will take off and produce. Sure elements must be in place for seed to grow. And once the elements are all in place correctly, you still have an additional one element that you'll be dealing with, it's called a weed. The weed is the enemy of the seed and plant. Even though you do not seed the weed, you can be sure it will find its place in your garden and begin to take over. Now the parable speaks of the seed as the word of God. Any time we hear God's words, such as reading our Bible's or in a church service, these words come to us and are planted in our minds or understanding. They do not automatically take root. Like any seed, there must be the allowable elements. So let's look at the four types of planting and what happens when the words of God are deposited in separate types of personalities and individuals who upfront have a choice with what they will do with the words when they are released. The first seed is described as thrown by the wayside. Let's see the pastor as the sower. It's a Sunday morning and his message is quite touching. He describes how a loving God sent his son to die in our place and that if we receive that we can have everlasting life. A new visitor shows up at church and hears the word and is moved to believe it. So the word is deposited but just as the listener is choosing to believe the words, the devil comes along and he plants his thoughts or words which are quite contrary to what the visitor just heard. The devil reminds him that if God loved him so much then why did such and such happen to him or a member of his house 15 years ago. Now the visitor's heart begins to harden at the belief of, 'Yes, if God truly loved me that wouldn't have happened.' The seed or words lay on the ground (his mind) exposed, or not proper as truth; the scriptures relate this as birds or fowls of the air devouring the seed. This is the illustration of the devil advent to steal God's words and replace them with his own words. Next, is seed that's thrown on rocky ground. This is the lady sitting next to the visitor. She hears God's words advent from the pastor, even feels the joy in accepting and believing the words. Yet there is no root theory that's industrialized because to take root it needs to be watered a few times. The devil sees this as an chance to send some temptation or persecution to this woman so she'll lose interest and not have a desire to read the word and allow the watering of God's word to cause the good seed to sprout and mature.. The third type of seed has been thrown among thorns. This is the person who hears, believes and indubitably goes forth with good intentions to build some faith on what the pastor just deposited in them. But the devil says, "I must send some distraction to this one." And along comes worry, extra responsibilities, trying to meet financial obligations or just placing the never ending pleasures of life before their eyes. When they are distracted, the fruit cannot manufacture and the devil wins again. The last illustration is seed that's deposited in good ground. Not only is this person an honest and good person, but when they hear God's word, they not only believe it, but they keep it. They identify the voice of the enemy and are considered the seed planted will grow. So they water it, fertilize it, they listen to God's words and cling to them as well as spread them to others who also believe. When the devils' evil thoughts come they dismiss them. These habitancy are noted to bring forth fruit with patience. They are praised for patience and diligence because they too were tempted, tried, cajoled, put down, persecuted for not accepting the weeds and thorns from the enemy. Pastor, how can you tell which members of your congregation are the ones who've taken your words and watered them and fertilized them and caused them to grow? Well, here are some clues. These habitancy are the delights of your congregation.. These habitancy are the ones who continually bless you, your spouse, house and others. These habitancy do not make waves, cause division, gossip, or gripe. These individuals are the ones who keep and back you financially, by volunteering and when things get rough they'll be there to give back with their words of love and support. These are the jewels you can trust. But how can you distinguish these from the others? My Bible says, "You'll know them by their fruit," These gorgeous habitancy bear the high-priced fruit that brings the most joy and love and blessing. You know that when you feed them your messages you're not throwing pearls before swine, because they never trample your efforts and love, they only spread the good words and bring more habitancy like themselves into the body. These good habitancy are lamp lighters. They hear your good words and share them with others in order to spread the light of Christ into the whole world. Next time you're tempted to integrate on the gainsayers and problem makers, those who bring mini-earth quakes, stop and reflect on the small sheep that God has given you who look forward to every word that comes forth out of your mouth. They cherish it like silver and gold and allow it to nourish them and others. These are the ones who bring the peace and recompense to all your efforts. There will all the time be the Pharisees and scribes who have a need to dictate, control, pretend and deceive. But God says they have their recompense and one thing they do not have but long for, and that's the capability to understand the wisdom of the Bible. They refuse to receive the word as a child in faith. The wisdom was presented to them but they chose to pull up the young plants in favor of the weeds. They heard the truth but chose to change it for lies. They were shown humility but chose pride, honor and glory instead. They could have had miracles but refused and even kept those colse to them from receiving. Pastor, you're like the farmer who sows seed and then considered continues to water it. Your words, the seeds, will not all become fruit that is mature in everyone who hears it. But keep on watering, be patient, take courage and wait for the autumn for the high-priced harvest to ripen. Much will sprout and grow and become full, edible, tasty fruit and your recompense from the Lord will indubitably come, for all your planting and special care. I hope you receive new knowledge about Miracle Grow Fertilizer. Where you may put to used in your day-to-day life. And just remember, your reaction is passed. Read more.. Pastor - You've Planted Good Seed - Here's How to Tell Which Will Sprout and Which Will Not. |
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