Fertilizer Numbers - Financial Integrity - An American NecessityGood evening. Today, I learned about Fertilizer Numbers - Financial Integrity - An American Necessity. Which may be very helpful in my experience and you. |
Given the downturn of the American cheaper in recent years many Americans have had to think our financial leaders were, at times, less than honest and in fact downright conspiratorial in their efforts to gain financial advantage. As a supervene many Americans have lost faith in both Government and Wall road Banking. What I said. It shouldn't be the final outcome that the true about Fertilizer Numbers. You see this article for information about a person wish to know is Fertilizer Numbers.Fertilizer NumbersThe Zero Sum Game To understand how American Finance verily works it could verily be compared to a zero sum game-that is in any game, like Monopoly, which starts with a set amount of money distributed between a given amount of players. As the players roll the dice and conclude on which real estate to buy, one player will finally dominate the game. This fulfills the definition of a zero sum game whereby the net convert in total wealth among all participants is zero. Applying the Monopoly analogy to American Finance everybody should verily see all investors are playing for a given amount of money and where the most financially informed ordinarily win. You might even say investing has come to be the "All American Game" because it requires cunning, skill and a small luck to work your way to the top. Unfortunately for us dummies out here in Gaga Land the similarity between Monopoly and investing are not quite the same. Yes they both are a zero sum games but such financial terminology as "insider trading" and "shadow banking" have loaded the dice, so to speak, and have cost, not only investors but home owners as well, multi-billions in financial losses. Ideal Society In an ideal community banks would function as a service commerce earning behalf from only sound financial guidance and good financial services-that is banking would promote the American Dream by demonstrating financial integrity and leadership of the highest quality. No, I have not lost my mind. I am only suggesting where the top-of-the-mark should lie. The real qoute I see with banking is that America has let the fox guard the hen-house. Take for example the ultimate bonus ideas still gift on Wall Street. Wall road Banks pay their brightest and best for the amount of money these executives can earn (fleece may be a best word) from the American people. It does not take a genius to understand this type of financial ideas promotes unfair competition between the American habitancy by allowing a super class of Americans to dominate in our society. Thus the American financial ideas is not only very unfair it is riddled with crime whereby every American Household has to guard their money with due diligence. Conclusion To propose the behavior and methods of Wall road have been unethical would be an understatement. They, the behavior and methods, are no less than a Trojan horse sold to the American People. The very fact the American habitancy were forced to bail out Wall road firms should be adequate to convince, even the most cynical of people, something is not quite right with the way America does business. How can this be in the many democracy on Earth? Are we all just dumb or is America verily becoming Gaga Land? To my way of reasoning a nation's financial integrity is all things any nation should hope to achieve. One only has to looked at failed nations around the world to appreciate the meaning of poor financial management-that is financial integrity is no less a staple of national success than is an plentifulness of fertile land, mineral resources and an educated, endearing habitancy and America has all of these principal resources and much more. I hope you have new knowledge about Fertilizer Numbers. Where you may offer easy use in your daily life. And most of all, your reaction is passed. Read more.. Financial Integrity - An American Necessity. |
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